52 An Expofition upon Chap,B TIM 0TH a u s. I Chrift, whole members we are, and in- WHat doth this fourth verfe containe ? S r L. Two things : Firft,a de- claration of the end for the which God fent his Sonne in the flefb, to tvit, that the righteoutheffe of the Law might be fulfilled in us : and herewith hee con- cludes the comfort let downe in the be- ginning of this Chapter, touching free - dome from condemnation to them that are in Chrift. Secondly, be returnes to thedo&rine of fan&ification, let downe in the latter part of the firft verfe, and here againe repeateth it word for word [Which walke not after the fled but after the Spirit.] T i M. What is meant here by the righe. oufne f i of the Law? S r L. That righteoufneffe which the Law requireth from every one that fhallbejuftified before God, and live e- ternally by it. This righteoufneffe is twofold,according to the divers delive- ring of it from God to us : The firft, is that which was written and engraven in- to Adams heart at his Creation,and not wholly defaced after his fall, Rom. 1.32. The fecond was that which was writs ten in the Tables of ftone by Moyfès, and is contained in the ten Commande- ments,wherein we have a plain and per- fe& explanation of the Law of nature. This righteoufneffe then is, that abfo- lute or full integritie and uprightneffe of thewhole man,being throughlyconfor- med &framed to the will ofGod his Cre- ator; where there is nothing in words, a &ions, thoughts, reafon, and will, but what is in all points agreeable to the will of God. This righteoufneffe ofthe Law, whofoever hath it, (hall thereby fand jufl in Gods fight, able to abide the rigour of his jufiice. Tr M. How is this rigbteoufnefe fulfil- led in ut,ruho are not onely fitment by firft birth, but have finne in ses even after our new birth? S r L. True indeed, the righteoufneffe of the Law is not fulfilled by us ;that is, by any righteoufneffe inherent,or being in our owne perfon, which is alwayes imperfe& even in the bell men : but it is fulfilled in us, becaufe it is found in to whom we are ingraffed by faith. And therefore being all one with him,and he with us, that which is his, is ours, and that which is in him,is in us. In us then it is fulfilled, though not by fanEtificati- on, inherent in our owne perforas, yet by imputation of Chrifts fanetified na- ture unto us. Or more plainely thus : Such as doe apprehend and lay hold upon Chrift by faith, unto them God the Father doch freely impute the merits of the patlion and death of his Sonne for remiflìon of finne, and for freedome from punifh- ment of finne ; and of his obedience to the Law,for covering the guilt of Adams difobedience; and of his humane nature perfe&ly fan&ified, for the healing and reftoring ofour corrupt nature. Thus all true beleevers have that righteouf- nefs in molt abfolute manner which the Law of God can exalt at their hands. For the faithful! having all their urines forgiven them, and the whole punifh- ment of fin difcharged through the death of Chrift, and withal! the perfe& obedience of his life and a &ions allow- ed unto them; lailly, his moli holy na- ture imputed : What is it now 'hat the Law dealing in all flri &neffe and rigour, can exa& unto a full righteoufneffe, but it may be found in the true beleevers? Therefore to fuch (let fin and death do their worth,) there can be no condem- nation. Tr M. WhatinffroiElioes now will ariji from thefe words thus opened S t L. Firft,whatfoever belongs to the perfe& juftification and falvation of a (inner, it is to be found in the man Chrift, and in him alone, becaufe God hath fo willed and appointed it, AEts 4. verfe r 2. Tr M. What afeis there of this point ?, ." S r L. Firft, it overthrowes all Po -'I pith additions of mens merits,which are;; to be abhorred, howfoever covered and colouredwith the name of Chrift. Se- condly, it admonifheth all men to feeke after the true diffina knowledge of Chrift, and to define to know nothing but him unto their falvation ; hungring after