Ver. 5. the Epi file to the Romans. liter his righteoufneffe, wherein Ilan, deth their full and perfeflhappineffe. T I M. What it theother tuft-maim out of this firfi part of the vole? Si :. L. That the whole righteonfneffe ofChrift, and whatfoever is in him,is theirs which are his members by faith. T r M. TI what meaner may we know them which are thm bis numbers? S I L. By this marke,that they walke not after the flefh, but after the Spirit. T I M. But whereforedoth the Apo file re- peate this,heving mentioned it before ? S I L.Becaute faith, by the which we are in Chrift, being an inward and hid- den thing feated in the heart, may eafily be counterfeited by hypocrites, who if they do,fay,profeffe, and glory,(aa they are apt enough to do ) that they are in Chrift; there is none can control( them, becaufe none can he what is within their heart. And howfoever Poch as are in Ghrifl and have faith,cannot deceive themfelves : yet many doe, by thinking that they are in C1¡trift, and have faith, when they havenot, prefunting of what they never received. This moved theApoftle here againe to mention fuch a witnefhe of our being inChrifl, which is outward and more fubjefk to fenfe, and therefore leire apt to deceive,namely, newneff of life, or fanftification ; which is fuch a thing,as without it we can never affttre our felves that oar finnes are forgiven by Chrlh, & that we are free from condemnation. For though it be not the proper caufe of our comfort, yet it is a caufe without the which we can have no found comfort,becaufe it is joyned un- feparably with juflification: for God doth ever fanetifte by his Spirit, whom he doth juftifie by faith : alto newneffe of life is a fare teflimony of a lively faith,which makes us certaine of our re- conciliation with God.Moreover,new - neffe of life,is a fruite of the Spirit, and it is a chief part ofour thankfulneffe to God,who is then moil honoured,when his will is fincerely obeyed. TIM. What fife it to be made of this dairine? S I L:Firtl, it reproves the Hypo- crites,who fay they have fânfltification, and yet í1i11 walke after their ownecor- rupt lulls. Secondly, itadmoni[heth all to labour for fanaii cation, without which there is no certainty ofjuflitcati on to be had.Laftly, it much confirmeth fuck Chri ilia ns, as labour to lead their lives purely after the motions of God> Spirit, flrivingagaisaft the lulls of the fiefh.; grieving heartily with a godly forrow for their daily failings of infir- mities,rifing by true repentance, laying hold upon forgiveneffe promifed of Chrift in theGofpell, & ever after wal- king more awfully and warily, and en- deavouring to profit to better and grea- ter obedience of the word; let not filch defpaire. DIALOGUE V. Verfe g. For they that are after the f efh, favour the thing.( ofthe fefh,andthey that are after the Spirit,favourthe things oftbe Spirit. TIMOr Hñ us. T Hat dotb tbi Text centaine? S I L. The Apofile having turned hirnfelfe againe to the doctrine of fanflification, afhrrneth of all belee- ving ja[lified perfons, that they flatly to live and leade an holy life : this he de- clareth bya comparifon of contraries af- ter this manner. They which are after the flefh, walke after the Beth, and live wickedly: but they which are after the Spirit, walke after the Spirit, and live godly. Ti m.Now expound the mords,and icy to lobe they are that are faidto be after theleJb. S t L. Vnregenerate and wicked men, who are nothing elf but flefh and cor- ruption, in whom that finfnil quality derived into all mankind by natarall generation, is no whit correfled and mortified, but remaineth fill in full force,bearing rule over them, and cow nianding them as a Lord and King, be- ing not reformed,how£oever haply re- frained in fame. T I m. What is is to favour the things of thefofo? 253 S IL. tr