2 54 An Expofition upon S I L. This isa borrowed kinde of fpeech,taken from the body, and tranf- lated to the minde,fignifying the Petting of our thoughts,care, and endeavour,to favour or follow fuch evill workes, as finnefull corruption moves men to : viz. loch as be rehearfed in Ga1.5.19. as adultery,fornicati on,uncleannefs,wan- tonneffe,debate,wrath,envy. &c. TI M. What is the inflruÉion arifoig' from the firlfpart of thin fift verfe? S I L This: that fuch as the man is, fuch be his workes; an evil( man, full of evilI affeEtions, cannot but bring forth evil( fruite.The reafon is,even that which Chrift himfelfe yeeldeth, Math. 12. 33. Mahe the tree evil", and the fruite will be evil". Evil' trees cannot bring forth good fruite. And Titus 1. 15. To the unclean, àlf things are unclean : for e- ven their niindes and confciences are de- filed; even as a filthy corrupt fountaine cannot fend forth fweet waters, fo a foule wholly polluted, with finne, can neither thinke,fpeak, nor doe, any other things then they which be finfuIl, Tim. Yet many unregenerate men, bosh thinks upon, and doe many natural', moral", civil', and religions duties: how is it then, they finne in every thing they doe? S I L. It is true : evil( men doe many workes of all kinds which be good, if we refpe& the fubffance of the thing done ; but they are the things of the flefh ( even finnefull workes )as they be works of fuch perfons who be whol- ly finnefull,as Hag.a. 15. AU the worker of their bands, and all that they offer here be uncleane. For whatfoever it is that un- cleane perfons doe, it neither hacha good beginning, (for they doe it not in faith) neither is it done in a good man- ner, ( becaufe it is not done out of obe- dience to God, and love towards him and our neighbour) neither is it referred to a good end, ( for it is not done for Gods glory,but for vaine- glory.) TIM. W.bat ufe and profit now are we to make of chit flrfi infiruíiion ? Si L. Firft, it may teach us how fearefull and grievous their cafe is, who are unregenerate, Peeing they finne a- gainft God,to the endangering of their Chap.B: owne foules in every thing they doe; alai their a &ions,how glorious and goodly foever to the eye of the world, beefing odious and abominable before God. Secondly, it doch teach us what a need- full thing fanftification is, and how much it is to be fought and laboured for.Thirdly,it admonifheth men not to content themfelves with doing onely fuch things as be outwardly good, be- caufe one that is after the flefh and wholly corrupted, may goe fo farre. Fourthly, when we fee any man to fa- vour and minde wholly the things of the flefh, being given to evil( workes, we may bee certaine, that fuch aman is yet a man after the flefh. T I M. Teti zoo now who they be, that be after the Spirit? S I L. Such as are led by the Spirit, following the infpiration of God; or they in whom theSpirit of God ruleth &bath dominion,corre&ing & keeping under finfull corruptions, and furring them to good things pleafing to God. T t x. What is it to favour the things of the Spirit ? S i L. To minde, purpofe, endea- vour, and pra&ife fuch holy workes, as they are moved to by the Spirit of God.Thefe workes are rehearfed,Gal. 5.-2 a.as love,joy, peace, long- fuffering, genaleneffe, goodneffe, fidelity, meeke- neffe, temperance, &c. Aldo Ephefians 4.& 2 PM/ .5,6,7. TIM. What infirutJion arifetb there from thefe words thus opened? S I L. Isis this: the godly which are guided by Gods Spirit, doe finely how to doe fuch workes as come from the Spirit,even as carnal( men guided by the flefh,are wholly given and addi&ed to fuch workes as be evill.The reafon here% of is that which our Saviour faith, Match.' 2.33- Make the tree good, and the fruite will be good : Alfo it is the nature i of the Spirit and grace of God, to move and provoke unto fuch workes as be like it felfe;that is to fay,holy and good workes, as the Spirit is holy and good. T I M. But many godly perf ns which are after the fpirie, bave both thought up- on, and done the things of the flefh: as `David,