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Ver.6... the Epiffle to the Romans. David and Peter, &c. How then is it faid, that they which are after the fpirit, favour the things of the fpirit ? S I L. It isfo: yet godly perlons are not moved to thofe evil! works by the fpirit, but by remaining flea' and dwel- ling lie: for the godly are fan &iíed in part,and not perfe Uy & wholly:there- fore it is that they are Rill fubjea to fin,which as they do not commit by full confentofwill,fo they ri(è again from it by repentance. SecondIy,a fpirituall and godly perfon muff not be judged by one, or Come few a&s and deeds of his life,but by the tenour ofit, and as it is for the moat part e now for the moll part,godly men do favourand mind the things of the fpirit ; their deliire is to live honeftly,and to keep an unfpotted confcience, toward God and all men. T e se. Shen, as now the profit that it to be gathered out of this dafllrine. S e L. FirPt, it teacheth, that all be- leeving juftified perlons, much exercife themfelves in fuch works as are com- manded of God : for juftification by faith, wherefoever it is, it hath alwaies annexed with it fanaification, or Rudy of an holy life; which can no more bee feparated from it,then a living man can be feparated from the foul. Secondly, here is a fpeciall comfort for fisch as en- deavour to doe good things pleating to God,with love and delight in them;be- caufe fuch have the Spirit of Chrifl;,and therefore are certainly ¡unified , free from fin and death, and (hall never bee condemned, but eternally raved in hea- ven.Laftly, it affords a reproofto fuch as fay they have the Spirit of Chrif,and yet favour notthe things of the Spirit, being either openly vicious and wicked, or elfe careleffe ofa godly converfation, neither fearing the offence of God, nor Yet once in camel minding his glory. DIALOGUE VI. Verte 6, For the wifedome of the fief' is death, but tbewifedome of the fpirit is life and peace. 255 TIMOTHEus. Hat dot' this Text centaine ? S I L, Unto the do &rine of fan&ification fet forth hi the lift verfe, here is now joyned an exhortatfrn,ffir- ring tip beleevingperfòns unto holines oflife. Secondly, a dehortátion eo fwade from following the lulls of the flefh, and living wickedly. T t M. By what argument and re afore dotb he call men from walleng after the !up of the fie» S r L. By a reafon taken from the effe &s, thus: To live after the flea', fol- lowing and obeying the lofts thereof, will bring forth death; and therefore we muff not favour and affe& the things of the flefh,but efchew them rather. T r M. By what reafon are beleevert per - fwadrd to favour the things of the fpirit, or to live holily ? S e L. By a reafon taken from the effe" &s after this fort : To favour the things of the fpirit, doth bring forth life and peace : therefore we are bound to follow the affections of the fpirit, en- deavouring diligently and uprightly to performe and do fuch good workes as we Thal be moved unto by the holy Spi- rit working in us. T e M. Let ua now heareyou expound the words, and tell us wbat is here meant by fleli. S I L . That fame vicious and naugh- ty quality of finne, powred into our nature from our conception, by car- nal! generation : whereby both in our reafon and will, we are wholly inclí- ned to all finfull things, and not at all difpofed to any good, but rather clean bent againft every good thing, Gen.6. 5.Col. 1.2 I. Ti ea. What is bere fignified by wife- dome? S I L. The concupifcence, Iuff, and defires of the flefh or mans Gnnefull nature, as Gal. 5. 24.. They which are Cbrilfs, have crucified the fief', with the afg}ion. and lufs. The word Pbrone- ma, may indifferently bee interpreted wifedome,fenfe, affe &ions, defires, or lull : fo that the meaning of the firft word fhould be this : that which cor- rupt