2 See this in the IiiRory of `Pkara.k, Éào,h.z, &c.Alfo of 4Zsbyikad nriaüand eattksZar in nanicl: An Expofition upon Chap.B s i L. Firft, becanfe God -hath fo de- creed it, it is hisowne ordinance & ap- pointment,that the foule that finned), (hall dye,Ezek. t 8.2 0. Secondly,an infi- nite and eternall Juflice is offended by (inners. Thirdly, becaufe fin in wicked; men growes unto perfeftion, and they which follow finnefull lulls, would doe it for ever,ifthey might live for ever. Ti M. What is the inf1raEi`.ion that a. rifeth fromthefè words,LIodeath ?] S I L. Firft, that the godly from hence are to be warned to avoide and . abhorre every finnefull lull and defire, becaufe itdeferves death eternal!: wher- with howfoever God will not punish the faithful!, becaufe there is no con- demnation to them beeing in Chrift; yet it ftandeth them much upon,greatly to take heed of loving anddoing that which may make them guilty of fuch horrible paine in hell fire. A wife man would not deferve the lofl'e of his tem- porall life, though he were lure to be pardoned. What madneffe then were it to deferve the loffe of eternall life upon hope of pardon ? Secondly, the wicked from hence are alto to be warned, that as they abhorre death, and would not dye and perifh everlaftingly, both in body and foule: fo let them beware that they goe not on to fulfill their flefh- ly and finfull defires,ofpride, covetouf- neffe, envy, &c. For he that is truth it felfe, hath fpoken it, that the wifedome of the fle(h is death, and all unclean perlons (hall be calf out into the burning lake,Kevel. 21.27. T t M. Come we now to the next words . and tell us what is meant bere by the (pi- , rit, and by the wifedome of the fpirit . S i L. By fpirit is here meant boll- neffe and newneffe of life, which is here called the fpirit, becaufe the Spirit is the author and worker of it in the hearts of the dell. Alfo the word which e is here tranflated [wifedome,] fignifieth fenfe, or affeltions, as we law before. . The meaning then is,that the affe &ion, defire, ftudy, and endeavour of a holy b and new life,is life and peace. t T s M. What underfiandyon by life and peace? SIL. ppt nature lu(leth after and defireth, if it be obeyed,leadeth to death. T r M. Why wouldthe Apofile call the &- fire and lull of finning, by fach a word as fignif learvi fedome ?] S s L. For two caufes: Firft, for that unto carnal wicked men,it feemeth wifedome to defire and doe wicked things :for wicked men apply all their wit, fubtilty,policy, and craft, how to contrive and affea wicked and finfull purpofes, being wife to doe evil!, and being done, glorying in it, as if it had been wifely done. Secondly, to teach us that that which is in man (beingun- regenerate) molt noble, and moll high- ly efleemed of (to wir,his wifedome,un- derflanding,and counfel,)it is a corrupt and deadly thing, leading and guiding men in fetch pathes and wayes, as will at laft bring them to.everlafting defiru- &ion:fofarr off itis, that natural! wile - dome fhould bee able to perceive the things of God, and to direft men to do things pleafing unto God, feeing it is darkeneffe and enmity unto him. TI s. What is the inflrstlion youga- ther from hence? S r L. Firft, it admonitbeth evil! men, not to rejoyce in their wifedome, which is filch anevill and deadly thing, being fevered from Chrift.Ier. 9. 23. t Cor.3. s 8, s 9.2o.Secondly,itwarneth the godly to examine even their witti- ell thoughts and devifes; to bee hum- bled for them, if they come from the fle(h.Letthe heft and quicketl wits, moft fufpe& and looke moll carefully to themfelves. T t M. What is bere meant by death ? S s L. A deadly thing, as before Rom.7.24. where finne is called the body of death. The reafon, why fin-or the loft thereof is counted a deadly thing is: firft, becaufe it comes from fetch perlons asare dead in trefpaffes and Pinnes, Ephe.2. t . Secondly, becaufe th lust offinne brings forth death eternall and deferves it as a proper and merito rious caufe of it,Rom.6.23. T t M. How comet it that the fens whit mend, herein a f port time merit punißbmen which is without any limit or end? 1