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Ver. 6, 7,g, the Epiffle to the Romans. 25 7 iB S t L. By life is meant eternall falva ci I deavour to lead a godly life;for refu- tion in heaven,and by peace is íigni6e the felicity of the Saints there. Some interpret life, of the motion of the whole foul to Godwards, and peace or tranquillity of confcierce, and recon- cilemen t with God. Eut the former ex- pJfition is the better,becaufe of the op- pofition between death and life : alto this particle [ L ] fignifieth as much as leadeth, obtaineth , procureth , and brings forth heavenly happineffe. TI You de not thinke that agodly life doth merit and deferve eternall bappi- ne(fe in heaven? S I L. No, far be it from any Chri- ftian f.) to think, that muff bee left to Chrift alone , who by the paints and works which he bath fitffered and done in his mofiholynianhood, bath fully merited heavenly life for all his mem- b.rs.The reafons why thofe holy works which the faithful! do, cannot merit falvation,be thefe.Firft, becaufe they be not their own, for the will and deed come from God,Phil. 2. 13. Secondly, becaufe they be a debt to God,for when we have done all , we are unprofitable, and have done but duty, Luk. 27. ro. Thirdly,becaufe there is no proportion between them and falvation; for the one be finite in nuwber,and mea fttre,the other infinite and incomprehenfible. Lafily, becaufe they are both imperfe& and impure,as they conicfrom us; and therefore in firi&neffe of jtrftice,can me- rit nothing but death. T i M- But though our godly life cannot merit eternal life, yet you judge that at the lafl it(ball obtain it,andbring ut to it. S I L. Very true: for albeit it can- ' not be any meritorious caufeoflife ,yet n."caf m8- God bath ordained it to bee the ready "'"a''`s* way to lead to eternall life,Rom.6.a3. For as a man which bath right{ by the gift of his friends)to a piece of ground, wherein is hid a rich treafure,his walk- ing in the way which leads to that ground, is not the cafe of having that treafure,btit by that means he doth ob. tain the treafure :So though a godly life cannot deferve bleffednes in Heaven,yet that man (hall never obtain that blef- - fcdneffe,which doch not ftudy and en- fing the race hee cannot come at the goal. T t M.Naw tell utthe profit that isto be made of this infirull ion S I L. Firtt,it may provoke all men which yet are given unto finfull work s to enter into the way ofa godly life, e- ven as they delire to be faved everla fling. ly:Secondly,it doch encourage fitch as have begun to do well, to continue in a holy courfe, not withftandiügall trou- bles and dangers, feeing the end will be peace and life. Our Apoftle preffeth newneffe of life in the 6. Chap. ver. 22. and again will urge it in the 13. verfe of this 8. Chapter by this very argu- ment taken from the profitable event; which is a good fpur, fuch as our dull- neffe needeth, though principally wee fhould doe good,of love to God. DIALooua VII. Verts 7, 8. Beat* the wifedome of the flefh it enmity againff God, for it it not fubjefí to the Law of God,neither indeed can be. So then, they that are in the flefh, cannot pleafe God. TIMOTHEus. Hat Both chit Text contain? S I L. This Text contains two things:Firft,it gives a reafon to prove the wifedome of the flefh to be deadly, becaufe it is an enemy to God. Second- ly, from this reafon he draws out a con - cln6on, after this fort: Seeing the wife- dome of the flefh is enmity againft God, therefore they which are in the flefh,or be carnallmen, cannot pleafe God. T I M. Expound the words and tell at what it meant by the wifedome of the flefb. S I L.The affe &ions and lufts of our corrupt nature:which are of two forts. - The firft fort bee in the underftanding part of the foul, called the mind : as counfell, difcourfe of reafon, purpo- fes, drifts, thoughts, delires, motions, together with all aêtions taken in hand by carnali wifedome; yea, the very Z2 princi