2 8 An Expof tion upon Chap,B, principles and beginnings of this car- nall wifdome,as theybein men unre- generate,th at are wholly infeaed with naturallblindueffe and unbelief, being utterly difpleafing to God. The fccond fort, be feated in the will, and doe flow from thence,as anger,wrath,envy,cove- toufneffe, pride, emulation,&c.with all the a &ions that proceed from fuch lufls. Tr m. Wherefore are tbefeaffeEiions and lufit called by the name of [ Wifdame ?] S r L. $ecaufe carnal! men are Will to doe evil!, efleeming it not the leali wifedome to plot and performe finfull deeds. See before. T r M. What it here meant by enmity? S s L. Enmity doth lignifie an ad- verfary, an enemy, or one that figh- tech againft another. The Apolle doth rather chufe to fay [Enmity] then enemy, becaufe enmity is a word of greater force and vehemency, ferving more to encreafe and aggravate the naughtineffe and hurt of fin. For, it theweth that the tuft of the flefh, doth greatly Drive againft God , as an ex- tream enemy of his. See the like fpeech, Phil i. z. For Chrift is to me both in life and in death advantage,or gain,that is, very gainful!. Tr st. Dsth not tbit enmity argue that once there mar friendfbip between God the Creator,and men hit Creatarei? S r L. It doth fo : for there was a friendfhip between them, at the firft cre- ation of man, when God printed in mans foul the image of himfelfe, con - fitting in perfe& knowledg, righteouf= neffe,and true holineffe; then did God love man,and man did love God again. This friendibip was broken off by the malice of Satan,infpiring the hearts of our firft parents, with unbelief, pride, and fin, from whence arife this fearful! enmity, Godextreamly hating man for fin, and man through finfull affe &ions, extreamly hatingGod. For fin made a feparation, and divorced the Creator from the Creature, which were fweetly linked together in an holy and happy communion. T r et .How may it be made clear unto as, that all natural and unregenerate men bee enemieJ to God? S i L. By this reafon , bécaufe their flefli or corrupt nature, neither is fub. je& to the Law of God, neither indeed can be,For fuch conjun&iou is between God and his Law, as to be enemy to ei- ther makes us enemies to both. T r ns. What it meant here by not beinz fubjet`I to the Law ofGad? S t L. Thus much: the not yeelding and obeying the Law of God, but ra- ther refitting, rebelling, or riling up a gainftit, alter an enemy-like fafhion, loving and pra&ifing that which Gods Law forbids,and hating and efchewing that which the Law ofGod commands. T r m. what will follow of all this? S s L. That they which are in the flefh,that is to fay carnali and natural! men not renewed by the Spirit ofGod, fuch cannot pleafe God, but are void of his grace , being under death and dam - nation.Moreover,from hence Both fol- low even the very quite contrary ; as namely, that the wifedome of the fpi- rit fubmitteth it felf to the Law of God, being willingly fubje& and obedient to itAnd therefore they which are in the fpirit, endued with true holineffe by the worke of the Spirit, they de. pleafe God and are his friends, and be in his lavons free fromcondemnation,and are in; the way that leaded' to life and peace.This contrariety and oppofition, the Apofle doth conceal, either becaufe it was manifett and plain enough to be underftood ; or for that the wifedome of the Heft], and the wifedome of the fpirit,jdo not cattle death and life after one fort and fafhion. For the former caufeth death, as an efficient and meri- torious caufe, deferving it in ftrianeffe of jufiice; the latter cadet!' life and peace,as a way and means leading there- unto by Gods merciful! ordinance, and as a caufe without which no man can ever attain happineffe in heaven. T r m. Having now opened and expoun- ded tbe T ext, let at beare what wee are to learn from hence for oar profit and ufe. S L. This prefent Text ferveth and helpeth us to confute errours, to in- ftru& us in the truth, to humble the pride