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Ver. 9. the Epiftle to the Romans. Ta M. What is meant here by the fpirit of God? S t L. The third perfon in theTtini- ty, called the holy Ghoft; and the word God, is put perfonally for God the Fa- ther, the first perfon in Trinity,of whom the Spirit proceedeth;fo as he is alto the fpirit of the Son. Ti M. What do ye learn by this) that he is called the fpirit of God? SIL. That the holy Gho(l doth pro- ceed from God the Father, John 25. 26. As allo from God the Son ; and there- fore in the latter part of this verte he is called the fpirit of Chrift. Tim What it fignifred here by the dwel- ling of the Spirit in us? S I L. The word [dwelling] is taken from risen which dwel in houles; who do not only poffefs their houles, but command and govern all things therein at their pleafitre : likewise the holy Spi- rit, not only fils the hearts of the faith - full, but alto rules and governs them, enlightning them to know, and dire&- ing them to do things pleafing unto God, according to the meafure of the Spirit. For howfoever the flefh may re- bel,yet the Spirit Itil poffeffeth the god- ly, and hath the dominion and upper hand. T I a1. What loth this borrowed fpeech of dwelling put us in minde of? SIL. Not only of the efficacy of the Spirit, but of his continuance in the faithful unto the end. For he is not in us as a gueft to lodge for a night and be gone, but as an inhabitant to dwel and abidein us, even to the death, and for ever, Joh, I4.í;3. The Spirit which I will give you, fhall abide with you for ever.There- fore they are in an error, who think that the Spirit ofChrift once had, can be utterly loft. Indeed falfe do &tine and corrupt manners may hinder the work- ing of the Spirit, but cannot extinguifh the grace of the Spirit. Secondly, this word [dwelleth] puts us in minde of the pretence of the Spirit in the faithful,that it is not by immenhty and infinienefs of his power as in other Creatures, but by pretence of grace, and of his healthful) eff &s. 2(7I Tim. How manifold it tbegrace ofthe Spi- rit which belongeth fpecially unto the elel7? S t L, Three-fold ; firft , union with Chrift followeth, to be one with Chrift and his merits as his members, whereof follow union with hisperfeajntlice and all merit. Secondly, fan&ification to be made new Creatures, to be able to hate evill, and to love and do good. Thirdly, adoption, and fealing up to us our falvation; The Spirit witnelfeth to us, that we are the children of God. T I M. What be the í Pis of the Spirit? S I L. Sundry, but efpecially two: Firft, to lead us into all truth, fufficient to our falvation. Secondly, to ftreng_ then and comfort our hearts under the Crois. John 14. T I M. What lefions learn ove f om hence, that the Spirit dwels in the faithful? S I L. Firft,the blefled condition of true beleevers,for whom Chrift not on- ly died and rots againe, juftifying them by faith ; but alto by his Spirit regene- rates and quickens them to make them lively members of himfelf.Secondly,the man which hath in him the Spirit of Chrift dwelling, cannot follow and o- bey the lufts of the flefh,and they which be fuch, they have not the Spirit of Chrift dwelling in them.Laftly,as all in the houle do fubmit themfelves unto the command of the chief Houfholder, fo Gods children are content to be at the dire&ion and under the dominion of the Spirit. Ta M. What is thefecond reafon to prove, that the Spirit of Chrift did dwel in thefe Romani? S I L. It is proved by the commu- nion and fellowfhip which they have with Chrift, after this fafhion : Such as have not the Spirit of Chrill are none of his ; therefore thole which are his, have the Spirit of Chrift: for the mem- bers muff needs have the very fame Spirit which the head bath. Now the A- poftle did not onely out of charitie judge the Romans to be the members of Chrift, becaufecchey had made an excellent profeffìon of Chrift : but the Spirit whereby he wrought thefe things, revealed unto him the certainty of their communion