262 An Expofition upon communion with Chrift : whence it is that he was bold to fay, that the Spirit of Ch rift dwelt in them. T i M. What be the main things tbat a- rife out of this reafon? Si L. The main things out of this reafon are three.The firít is,that we mull have an union and fellowlhip with Chrift (we mutt be his.) Secondly, that this union isfpirinrall, to wit, by his Spirit being in us. Thirdly,that this fpi- ritual union with Chrift is fo neceffary, as without itlwe cannot be true Chrifti- ans: for we are not his,except his Spi- rit be in us to unite him unto us, and us to him. T a xi. What do you call our Vnion or Communion with Chrift? S r L. It is our knitting or joining us to Chrift, and him to us: fo as he be- comes ours, and is in us,and we become his, and be in him. This union is let forth in fcripture by fetch things, as of all other are moft needy and ftraitly joined together to become one, as of an husband and wife, Ephef, 5. 29,30,31. Alfo of a Vine and the branches, John i5. t. Ofa head and the members in a naturali body, a Cor. is. All() of a houle and the foundation, Eph. a, so. Howfoever thefe fimilitudes may fome- what fhadow out and lay forth the con - jun&ion with Chrift; yet it is above loans reafon to conceive it, and not pof- fible for mans tongue to titter it; and therefore the fcripture cals it a great my- fiery, t Tim.3. 16. Ephef.5.32.For if it cannot be expreffed nor conceived,how the foul doth quicken the body and eve- ry part of it,and how the foul and body are linked together, to make one per- Con, much lefs can this myfticall union between Chrill, and fo many his mem- bers,be fully underftood and made ma- nifeft: we are therefore to content our felves with that the fcripture hash re- vealed, and foberly to beleeve that, which our reafon cannot reach to. T i sa. Why do you call this union with Chrifi a fpiritual union? Sit. Becaufe the author of this con- jun &ion on the behalf of Chrift, is his Spirit, 1 Cor.6. a 7. and 12. chap. and Chap.B, the band which links us to him is fpiri- tuall, to wit, Faith, Eph. ;.17.The Spi- rit is effe &ual and powerful by the mi- nifiery of the Gofpel, to amply Chrift unto the elc&, and the eh& by their faith imbracing the promifè of the Gofpel, do lay hold upon Chrill. Thus is this conjun&ion wholly and meerely fpi ritual. T a M. But tell us more particularly and plainly, by what degrect our faith Both ¡nit ass to Chrifi? S a L. We are joined unto Chrift through faith otter this fort , and by thefe degrees. Firft, by faith we fee and know his perfon, that he is both God and man, and yet but one Chrifl, Rom. 1.4. His office alto, that he only is our perfe& Mediator and reconciler with God, r Tim.2.3,4. a Joh.2.2 3.Second- ly, by this faith we cleave unto him,and polfefs him as Qur own Saviour, and al his as our own; Ga1.2.20. being given unto us on his Fathers part, and recei- ved of us on our part, Ga1.3.14. Thirdly, by our faith we do appre- hend and take hold of all the merits of Chrifis death and refurre &ion, which are thefe four,reckoned up in the a Cor. 1.30. Wifdome,San&ification,Righte- oufnefs,and Redemption. Lafily, being juftified by faith, and fan&ified,we bring forth the fruits ofthefpirit, not walk- ing' after the flelh,but after the fpirit, in newnefs of life, Rom.S.5,6,9. T a M.Having now fhewed after whatfort we are joined to Chriff 6y faith, Phew us af- ter what fort Chrifi by his fpirit doth join himfelf unto W. T s. Firft, Chrift giveth the pleat his Spirit, to incorporate them into himfelf, i Cor.6.17.Secondly,the fame his Spirit doth regenerate them, and quicken their fouls by grace, that they may become his lively Members,Eph.2. 1,4,5 Thirdly, upon the ele& being now become his members, he beftoweth his benefits by his Spirit, giving them righteoufnefs, holinefs, peace, joy, and life. Fourthly, he putteth his Spirit in- to them, to dire& and govern then in the way es of God, that they may do the works pleating to him. Note this, that thefe ..,.....woumroa. a+unwwoaspu