An Expofition upon S s L. By a Frolepfis or preoccupation, by the preventing a fecret obje &ion, which he propoundeth and anfwereth. The Obje&ion is this : To what end is it to be Chrifts, and to have his Spirit in us,fithence we mutt die as othersA ln; to which obje &ion the Apo(tle answer cth, that our bodies indeed becaufe of fin ail! remaining in them, are dead or mortal ; but the fit is life, becaufe of righteoufnefi. This Text then hath two parts; an objee &ion, and an an- fwer to it. T i M. Now to the words, and tell no What is meant by this particle [If j S r L. This particle [ If; ] tIgnifieth fora ("much; is doubteth not,it reafoneth, afhirmeth, or demonftratively conclu- ded). An argumentative particle or word, and not dubitative. T t M. What is it for Chrifl to be in tor? S r L. It is all one with our being in h'm : both thefe fp. °eches lignifie themoll fecret fpirituailjoining or uni- on of Chrifi and his members. Tr M. What ii here meant by [Body,] and by [Plead ?] its alfo why is this added, [Bicaufè of fin ? ] S I L. By body tome underfland the Beth, or unregenerate part of man figu- ratively : but it would be taken proper- ly for that part of man called,the body. The reafou is, becaufe body is never found put for fin, without Come additi- on ; alto by [dead] is fignified mortali òr fubjelt to death, Korn. 6. t z. or frail and corruptible, Phil.3.2 s. s Cor. 15. Moreover [Sin] is added to thew the true caufe of mortality;to wit,Sin which brought in death. Gen.3. t g. Rom.5. r 2. Now the bodies of the Saints being not void of Gn,therefore they be obnoxious and lyable to death. T i M. What doth rigbteoufnefsfrgnifie? S t L. It well may be interpreted ei- ther of Chrilts righteou(nefs imputed to faith ; or of righteoufnefs inherent and begun in our hearts by the regene- rating Spirit. If we take it of the for- mer,the fenfe will be thus much,viz.The foul or fpirit fhall live through righte oufnefs imliated to the beleever,becaufe he being ¡ratified and freed from guilt Chap.Bi of tin, is alto thereby to be abfolved and let free from death eternal ; which b ing removed , life eternal! mutt needs come in the roomeas a neceffary finit and conkquence ofrighteoufoefsimpu- ted, Rom. t. t7. The juft by faith fba!! live. Row.5.i8.. But if we take thelatter fente , then it will have this knie, not as any meritorious caufe of it: but becaufe it is a certaine undeceivable figs; of imputed righteou(nefs, to which life eternal! belongs : alto ofChrift his Spirit dwelling in us, and of our coin - mullion with Chrift ; all which are fort ndlywitneffed by our unperfe& righ- teoufitefs or holinefs of life ; as trees known by the fruit. TIM. What inffru£ lions do arife from hence? SILL. The firft is :this, that all men, even the godly are fraile and montait, which is proved, Heb.p.27. Alto by ex- perience, and reafon, which is dwelling fin; whereof teeing none be free, there- fore all be frail and under death. TtM. What ufi of this inflrillien? S r L. It lerveth much to fhake off pride and fecurity, and to provoke alto watchful nefs and humblenefs. Should duff be proud? fhould man be fecure,fee- ing he muff die, and come to judge- ment? T r M. What is the anfwer to this Ob- jell ion? S i L. The fpirit is life becaufe of righteoufilefs. T s M. What is meant here by the fpirit? St L. Sonie, by the fpirit, will have meant the holyGhoft,the Spirit of God and Chrift dwelling in us; and then the meaning is, though we carry about us mortal bodies, yet the holy Spirit of Chrifddwelling in us , is even in this mortality, the earneft and pledge of ins - mortal life in heaven. But by fpirit here is meant the fpiritual part of man, to wit, the foul being tynewed by the Spi - rit of God, The oppofition between the fpirit and the body, doth require this I fente. Tt M. What soft is to be made of this point? S i L. A fingular comfort againft the terror