Ver. L. the Epi file to the. Romans. terror.ofdeath, and the horror concei- vedfrom the putrefaétion and rottennefs of the body in the grave, that howfoe- ver the body mutt die by the decree of God : yet the foul being lure ofeternal Iife, (hall live for ever with Chriff in heaven,the better part fhall he well,even moll happy ; and the worftpart the bo- dy,muft follow in time: for being both the members of Christ, and temples of the Spirit, both mull be vellls of cele- flialglory. T IM.What other infiruflion from hence? Sc L. Whofoever is righteous indeed, by inherent and imputed righteoufnefs, he may be undoubtedly fure,that he Thal live for ever eternally with God : firft, in hisfoul,ehen in his. body. The reafon is, becaufe fuch have the beginning ofe- ternall life, and therefore are Pure of the poffeffion. For God will finifh that which he begins, alto he will keep Ms promife. ' T IM. What of of this point? S a L. It fhould caufç every one to fearch whether he be juffified: and ftsfs- ctified.He thatfindes thefe upon due exa- mination, findes ftrong teftimony of his eternal! falvation ; whereof the lets we doubt, the more fore we are of righte- oufnefs. Secondly,it affords a (harp reproafe to fuch as are unrighteous, as their lives do thew; yet promife to thenafelves life eternal, and profefs the hope of it: thefe lie and ,deal not truly whofoever faith, that he (hal Hire happily,and yet have no care to live holily. He that walks in darknefs9"and faith that he bath com- munion with light, doth deceive him.. felfe. DIALOGUE. Verte it. Bxe if the Spirit of him that -tared up 3efui from the dead, ¿rod inyou, he that raild up Chris fràtn the dead, pall a f quic- ken your mortal bodies, by his Spirit that dwegeth inject. TiasoTHEus. WHat loth this Text contain? Si L. A Confolation taken from the effe& s of the Spirit, railing up our vile bodies unto a glorious life. It doth naturally arife from the former verfe, after this fa(hion.Our bodies whets they be dead, and do lie and rot in thegrave, they (hallbe'quickened again at the left day by the power CfChrilfs Spirit. The funs whereof is thus much: that howfo- ever death and corruption in the grave be things very terrible ; yet for all that, this is no (mall comfortunto the faith - full,that the fame Spirit which at their death gives eternal! life to them as con- cerning their fouls, (hall alto at the length quicken their bodies, that the whole man tpaylive,&tbe bleffed forever. Ti ni. Let us now come to expound the words, and tell us what it meant bere by [Him,] and the [Spirit ofhim?] S I L. By [Him] is meant God the Father ; from whom becaufe the holy Ghoft proceedeth, therefore it is called his Spirit or the Spirit of him. 'Fa ai. What is meant bore by 7efus, and the railing him upfront the dead? S t L. By Jelin is meant the body of Jefus- whichbeing crucified and dead, was quickened again the third day : and this is called the railing of Jefus from the dead. ASynecdocbe of the whole for a part. Tim. What do ye learnt from theft words thus. opened and declared? Si L. Firft,we learn the truth of that Article of our faith that Jefus rote again from the dead the third day. Secondly, that the railing up from the dead, is a worke of divine power, palling the ftrength of all creatures,Angels,or men. Thirdly, hereof it followes, that both Çhrift and the Spirit be very God, be- caufe Jefus railed himfelfe, and (hall alto in the last day raife us; and the Spirit [hall quicken our bodies,as iris here laid plainly. The Son doth what the Father doth, and theholy Ghoft is the power of them both. T i sa. What is meant by dwelling in you? Si L. It is a fpeech borrowed from thofe which are owners ofhoufes,which do attnia-eper+ Deitattt ad e.ttra fMnt I iD6tX perfo. nit eemtna -fl nia.