266 14n Expof Lion upon do not only pofrefs their houfes, but rule and command in them:fodoth the Spirit govern them whom he pof efieth, as ha( h been laid before. T r M. What will the Spirit efEJ and workin themin whom he dwelletb? S i L. He will quicken their mortal] bodies. This is one elle &of the Spirit, and belongeth to the work of the lait day. T t M. What is meant by Body here, and why are they called mortal? Alfa what doth quietenfignife? S t L. Some by [Body] underffand fin, but it is better properly to under- !turd by it the fubfiance of flea: and bone (becaufe now he fpeaketh of the fecond refurre &ion) which is called [Mortal;] becaufe it is fitbje& to death through the de(ert of fin : and by [pie- ken] is fignified the railing up of the body to fuch a life as is for ever accom- panied with perfe&blifs and glory. T t ivf. What it our infirureionfrom theft; words thus expounded? S r L, Thefe words do teach us ano- ther Article of the refttrre &ion of the Saints, that being dead they (hall be raifedup again to lifeeverlafling. The reafon is, becaufe the Spirit of Chrift dwelleth in the godly, therefore their bodies (hall be railed up againe to life. This reafonis of great firength,and may be proved by thofe two arguments. The lint argument is taken from the power ofGod,who was able to ralle up Jefus from the dead, therefore he is able to quicken our bodies. The fecond argu- ment is taken from the venue and office of the Spirit dwelling in the Saints,thus: The bodies of the Saints are the Tem- ples of the holy Gholf, therefore he wil quicken them ; for as he quickened the head, fo will he quicken the members; the fame caufe will have the lamè effe&. T t M. What profit are we to mare of this Dollrine, concerning the refurrellion of the dead? S t L. Firft,it helpeth much to ffreng- theu our faith in this Article of the Creed, feeing nothing is foimproba- ble to the eye of reafon, as that confu- med bodies (hould rife and come again. dap.& Alfo,it maketh much for the confirma- tion of our weak faith in this point, in that we have not the word of fcripture only to affure us, but firme and good reafon thereupon. Secondly, it admini- flcech much comfort to fuch as at any time are troubled with the meditation of the horror of death,and of the pueri- fa &ion and rottennefs which enfueth thereupon': feeing their bodies fhall be in the grave, as it were in a bed, to re- turn in a far better plight then when they were firft laid downe: for they were Town in weaknefs, difhonour, and cor- ruption ;but they (hall rife in incorrup- don, power, and honour. Thirdly, it mutt provoke us to keep thofe bodies pure and unfpotted of fin, that are the Temples of the holy Ghoft, and mutt one day be inheritors of heavenly glory with Chrift their head, whole members they be by faith. Therefore endeavour in your bodies to glorifie God as well as in your fpit its, _poffeffing them in holi- nefs and honour, and not in luft ofun- cleannefs, t Cur 6. verfe laft. 1Thef. 4.4) 5. r DIAL -onus X. Verfe t 2. Therefore 73retbren we are debters not to the fefb, to live after the fiefs. TiMoTxaus. %Hat is the tam ofebie 12. verfe? S i L. That Chrillians mull not live after the fiefs, (but after the fpirit,) which though it be not expreffed,yet it muff be underffood by the law of con- traries. Tr M. By what arguments is this exhorta- tion preffed and urged upon us? S i L. By four arguments :;The firft is taken from that which is egtfall and honeft, verle 12. The fecond from dan- ger, the third from profit, the fourth from the eafinefs of it, verf 13. T t at. What is the argument taken from bonefly? S t L. It is this: Common honely requireth that every usan pay his debt: now all the faithfttll are debters to the fpirit,