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Ver. i 6. the Epi file to the Ràrnanes. owneGo fpell, but of Ch ri (Ids Atitkor; and concerning ( no frivolcas or fruit - 1e(fe matter) Chrift, as matter and tub. je &. The fecond ( from the Force and Efficacie thereof) becaufe it is a molt healthful! and powerfull Organe or I n- ftrument of G O D to fave beleevers. So as this Text confifteth of two parts: Fiat, a profeffion, [ I am not afhamed ; ] Secondly,a Reafon [For.] And whereas hee faith He it not afhamed, it is a Liptote or Melofts, becaufe more is meant, then is fpoken. For, it is as if lice had laid, I am fo f arre from being afhamed, that I doe glory and rejoyce in ir fo, as I efteeme nothing fo honourable : infinu- atingto the Romanes, that they ought likewifefo to doe, as hee their apoffle did : according to that which hee fpake plainly ( and without any figure) unto the Galatians. Chap.6. 14. Now when hee termetlt the Gofpell ( the Do&tine of free Juftificatión by Chrift) [the power ofG O D ] hee meaneth not of his Creating power, or his revenging power unto deftru &ion ; but of a power joyned with favour and love forfalvati- on; not of his Effentiall power, but of his Organicall Minifteriail power; or (by a s1 etonpmie) of the declaration of his power, when it is manifelted in the preaching of the Gofpell, to make it effe luall. For, by the Gofpell, God mightily moveth the hearts of the ele& ( when the houre of their converlion commeth) infuung the holy- Ghoft, which ftirreth up the unbeleevingheart, and makes it able to beleeve, whereby righteoofheffe and falvation is obtaened through Ch rift. Ti M. What is the profeffion meant in thisprefent verfè? S i a. That Paul is not áfhamed of the Gofpell howföever : for in all aces fine the Gofpelldid fir* come abroad, many have bin alhamed ofit ; and from ' the fhame which accompanieth it, have they forfaken it, or coldly profeffe it. Yet Paul profeffeth, that for no caufe would he be a(hamed thereof. A Con- feflion worthy of fuch an Apottle. TI M. How many wages may wee bee aJhamed of the Gofpell of Cbrilf ? 23 St t. Two wayes e fpecially. First, if we be afhsrned ofthe Do &tine or duties of the Gofpell 5 or fecondly, of the Preachers and profeffors of it. To mc. What things xfually make. men *anted of the G. fp.11 ? S c L. Foure things. Fielt, the ftrahge- neffe of the Do&ride, being above nato- ràll reafon. Sec,ndly, the fipplicity and meanneffe of the Gofpel, being without earthly pompe and Glorie. Thirdly,the troubles and croffes of fuèh as are the Dilciples and hearers of the Gofpell. Fourthly, the plaineneffe of the Go- fpell, being void of humane wifedome, and excellency of words. From whence wee may obfèrve,that great is the cor- ruption of mans heart which is not afhamed of things fhamefull5acdyet doe fhame at things, wherein they ought to glory. Tr m. What reifons Pored preferve art from being afhamecfnfthe Go feel!? S I a. Five : Firff,the example of Pagel, files anApoftle which had abid much fhame for the Gofpell, and yet law no caufe to beeafhamed of it. Secondly, the 'Nature ofthe Gofpell,being a gladfome and joyfull rneffage. Thirdly, the Cub- je &of theGofpell, which is Chrift: of whom, if we be afbamed before men, he will be afhamed of us before God. Fourthly, becaufe it is the inítrument of Gods power, to beget Faith. Fif ly, the effe& ofthe Gofpell, which is falvation, the greed' ofall benefits ;or rather it bath all fafety in ir, comprehending de- liverances ofall forts, both Temporall and Spiritual!. For, whereas there be fmdry and many kinds 'offalvations or fafeties ; as ofour goods and perfons,by good lawes and jult Ma gift rat es;againll fickeneffe and difeafes,by Phyfitians and wholeforne medicines ; from violence and injuries of enemies,by valiant Cap - (aines and Souldiers ; from extremitie of weather, by builders of houles or Mafons ; from cold, by garments : as all thefe enetnies,dangers, effe &s,and evils, came by finne, and be effe &s of tranf- greflion, fo our deliverance and fafety from them, is a fruite of Chrift his re- demption, and ofthat faith which em- braceth