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Verf. 1,2, . the .piffle to the Rorrians. 377 CHA P. X. DIA torus I. Verf. I, 2, 3. Brethren, my hearts def ire and prayer to broil for Ifrael is, that they might be fatted. For I bear them record, that they have the zeal of God, but not accordthg to knowledge ; for they being ignorant of the righteoufneffe of God, and going about to fiablifh their own righteoufneffe, have not fubmitted themfelves to the righteoufne jfe of God. T IMOT ti HL1 S. Hat is the purpofe of this prefent Chapter? S t L. To prove his di- Rin &ion of a double righ- teoufneffe , fart, by the Law : and fecondly, by faith mentio- ned in the former Chap. verf. 3o. 31. and in verf. 3, 4, 5. of the Chapter. Secondly, heintendeth to prove that the righteoufneffe of the Law doth no whit avail the Jewes before God, but that it is the righteoufneflè offaith that doth Read us unto eternal life, verf. 6, 7, 8, &c. Thirdly, to thew that this righteoufi effe was to be preached and offered no left to the Gentile then to the Jew, by the Apoftolical Miniflry, which God appointed to be the only outward infirumentof this righteouf- neffe, yerf i t,t2, 13, t4, 15. &c. LaR- ly,to fet forth the entertainment which this righteoufneffe of faith found in the world. The Gentiles through free and effe &úál vocation of God receiving it. The Jewes through unbelief and ob- ftinacy refuting it ; and therefore being juftly refuted and related of God, verf. 18, 19, &c. Into thefè four things as into parts, may this prefent Chapter be diftinguifhed. T t M. How loth the Apoffle prepare him- fel f an entrance and a way to the handling of chefs things ? S t L. By a prolepfis.or rhetorical intinuation, protetting his good will towards them, and preventing all fu= fpiiion and hatred towards him in the Jewes. T t M. Was theré any jufl saufe or neee f- Pity why the Apojile _Mould ufe any fach en- trance by preoccupation? - S I L. Yea, very jufi : For in the former precedent Chapter he had pro= ved that the promi fes of grace belonged not generally to the Jewes, being the molt part of them reprobates ; and had Paid that they Rumbled at the fum- bling Rone,verf. 33. In this Chapter he takes from them all praifeof righteouf- neffe by the works of the Law, (which were two things they much boafled of, the promifes, and the Law,) alto he di- rely (peaks of their reje &ion from God. Now left the Jewes fhould a- fcribe the fe difcourfes unto Pauly hatred of their Nation, and fo become unwil- ling to entertain his do &rine, therefore it teemed very behoovefull he fhould teftifie his good will towards them, and to pacifie their minds that they be not exafperated with fuch sharp and harfll things as the Apofle wrote of. T I.M. What lefjon are we to learn from this Art and proceeding of the Apojile t S t L. That the Minifers of Chrif Dofirine. are fo to fpeak truth, as they be careful to do it, out of loving affe &ions ; and the hearers ought to have a good per - fwafion of their teachers good will to- wards them. The reafòns hereof be : Keafons. Firft, if all Chrifliaüs mutt reprove out of love, much more the Miniflers of the Gofpel ; bt caufe it behoveth them to excelI in all graces, for example fake. Secondly, the Spirit of the. Gofpel is aSpirit oflove and compafiion, and the Minitters ought to be led with this, Spirit. K k z Thirdly,