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Verf.1,2. the Epiftle to the Romans. 419 Scope. Parts. CHAP.XI. DIALOGU$ I. Vertes I, 2. I demaund then,hath God caft away his people? God forbid. For I am an If raelite, of the feed of Abraham, ofthe tribe of Benjamin. Godhath not raft away bis people whom he knew before. T I M o T to BUS. Hat isthedrift of this whole Chapter? S t L. To prove that the Jewes (howfoever a rebellions people ) yet are rejeEted from being Gods people, neither univerfaly,nor for ever;but that i1í11 force of them were converted to Chrifl, and many more fhould be to. wards the end of the world; by which difcourfe he purpofeth to comfort the Jewes againft defpaire, and to con firme the ftablenelle ofGods promifes, which faileth not towards any Jew which was elected of God. And fecondly to ex- hort the Gentiles ( which were admit- ted into the void room of the refufed Jewes) to be modell and lowly min- ded, to take heed of the contempt of the Jews which were fallen,and of fecurity; confidering Gods mercies towards them in their free adoption, and Gods feve- rity unto the obfinate Jewes, whom yet he had not fo abandoned, but that he could and would gather them againe into the fold of his Church. So as the drift of this Chapter is twofold: one to keep the Jewes from defpaire, and the other to preferve the Gentiles from pre - fumption and pride. T r M.What are the parts of this Chapter? S 1 L. They be foue : Fir (', DoÉtri- nall,wherein he doth three things. Fir (', he teacheth to the comfort of the Jewes that a remainder of them were Gods eleEt, to verle 7. and thence unto the It verle, Paul confirmeth by a double te('imony, one out ofEfay, and another out of David, that the molt part of the Jewes were rejected. Laftly, he openeth the finall caufe or end of Gods counfels, in calling off the unbeleeving Jewes (to wit) that thereby an occalon of calling the Gentiles might be given, unto verle 17. The fecund part is exhortatory un- to the Gentiles, to verfe 25. The third part is Propheticall, foretelling the vo- cation of the Jewes, unto verte 33. And fourthly, a conclufion confi('ing of an exclamation, and of a prayer unto the end of the Chapter. T I M. What be theparts of this Text? S I L. Two : Fir(', an objeetion. Se- condly, an anfwer thereunto. T o M. What is the Objeiiion ? S I L. This : O Paul, if the Jewes be cart off( asthou feemeft to aflirme out ofEfay, that for their unthankfulneffe and contempt of God, they are of him worthily Phut out) then are Gods peo- ple call off. For the Jewes were Gods people, and if they be call off,then what becomes of Gods promifes made to that people, and what hope doth there remaine of their falvation? Thus might weak ones reafon again(' that which he wrote in the end of the Chapter: but cavillers will be ready to alledge the a- doption of Abraham and his feed, whom God took of eipeciall favour to be his owne people, fo as he lhould be unconftant if he brake his owne cove- nant. All this is contained in the firli words [ I (ay then, bath God caft away his people ?] that is, I fee whatyou will fay upon my former fpeaches, that Gods people are drawn awa r from grace and falvation. T i M. How is this Objelïron an- fwered ? S I L. Two wayes : Fir(', by denyall [God forbid,] that is, I am forre from thinking any fuch thing, that all all the Jewes ObjeU ion. Solution.