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Ver,2 /,23,24. the Epiftle to the Romanes. Temples and Altars : alfo offering fa- crifices and prayers unto the figures of men, beaffs, and creeping creatures, fo foolifh they were and without under - h anding. What bee the inffruElions of this Text which we are to confider of? SIL. Firfl, (rich as in appointing Gods fervice doe leane to their owne realms and wit, they prove ridiculous and foolifh, becaufe in the ordering of Gods worfhip, Gods word onely mull bee the rule; when men leave the word, they leave wifedome,and ch.00fe folly. Secondly, that all wicked men are fooles, becaufe in the orderng or their lives they leave the word and fol- low their owne lults.Thirdly, that even the godly are fo farre fooles, as they depart from the word of God, which now to Chriffians is the fquare of Gods fervice, as the Law of Nature was unto the Infidels. Tim. What other fignes doth the Apo- ] Ile charge the Gentile. witball ? SIL. With the finne of Idolatry , which appeareth in thefe two things, Firf, they made fimilitudes and like - neffes of God. Secondly, they worfhip- ped thofe Images. TIII. Rut they will fay, they wotjbip God, and not the Images? S I L. But the Apofile faith,they wor- fhip the Creatures and not the Creator. Ti M. Thy will Toy they wrong not God, becaufe Hill they mind to wcrfhip him. S IL. That is not fo, for they turned his glory into a bate fimilitude, as of creeping things, which is a great difho nor to him. Secondly, they changed the truth into a lie, as if the incorrup- tible and invifible God were like a mor- tall and corruptible Creature, which is a lye.Thirdly,t hey forfake the Creator, as verfe 2 s. TIM. Tou think. e then that Gad is not worfhipped at all,if any other be worlhipped with him ? SEL. It is true, or if he bee worfhip- ped any otherwifc then himfelfe hash commanded ; for as there is none to be religioully f rved fave God alone,Mat. 4. lo. fo this God will bge worfhip- 39 ped after his owne appointment. Tr m. Do not they alf forfake G which' are fpirituall Idolaters, felting their heart, upon the Creature,as Riche f,Pleafurrs,&c. S i L. They doe fo : for God alone will bee feared and loved above all, and trotted in alone, as the firft Comnian- dement injoy neth as. T i m. What was the punifhment of this their Idolatry? S I L. The giving of them up to un- cleane and unnaturall lofts. Ti se. Was is meant by giving up men S I L. Not an idle and bare per= miffion, fevered from Gods will, or a putting of finne into men, but a with- drawing of his grace, or forfaking the Creatures and delivering them up (as a juft Judge) to bee ruled by Satan and their owne boils. This is the greateft and grievous punilhment that can be- fall a man in this life, becaufe it is the encreafing of finne, and bath new pro- vocations of Gods anger. T r M. How many ljinde, bee there of giving up? S I L. Two ; One in part onely,and for a time, into which the children of God may fall, as appeareth inManaffei, David, Salomon, and Peter : the other, wholly and for ever, which the Repro- bates fall into, as appeareth in Cain, Efate, and Was. T I m, What vvae our inflen-ilion bere? S I L. To feare God greatly, fee- ing bee can thus horribly and dread- fully punifh offenders, which dilòky his will : and if this be well thought up- on, it will make finne farce more hate - full to us. T [ M. What are they given up unto? S r L. Unto all kinde of finne : brit namely, unto unchaft and uncleane lulls, touching generation : they were afiaulted with an whole army of bur- ning and unconquerable defires, which were both effefts and punifhments of their Idolatry : fromwhence as Rivers they did flow. T I M. What did we learn front this ? Ea Sr t r.M.111..