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9 the: pf le to t e Komanes. lÿ, the likeneffe ofGod, to wit, of the power and nature of God. l r M.Wbat do) efurther note iN this vest? S i t. That there bee two dagrees of Idolatry. Eirlt, to make Images of the Deity.Seéondly,.to icrve 4nd give them i rórfhip, lots outward geftares of knee Iing,,lifáix'up hands4rayirtg before themttoflering Lncenfe, &c;. T I ,; hen it a Paid L they morfhipped the Creature aborte the Creator j14 it meant they tvorflbipped both Images and, GOD, but Images more then God ?. S L L. No they did not fo much as give the fceond place to Gad,bpt :whgki Iy :negle&ed him,beingsvholly addilted to the Worfhip of the Creature. T i M. Is this uin od x kith worfleip Images? S r t. It is fo : whatfetever they pre- tend,yet God is not warfhipped at all, where he is not worfhipped aright and alone : therefore, is Idoll - fervice tear - med in Dent. 22. i 7. and i Cor, 19. De- vill-fervice. T I M What learn we from the end of thefentence,mberein be fait b ofGod, be is to be praifed for ever ? S t L,Thus much,that Idolaters have no good- fucceffe of their enterprife with theirpraEtife: for,howfoever they feekto rob God of his glory, and to change his truth fora lye -, yet hee re- mains God to bee praifed and bleffed for ever : for all that men can d oe,is not able to alter Gods glory or truth, he a- bideth alwayes one and the fame, like himfelf;God, worthy to be bleffed, for ever. Rom. 9.5. DIALOGUE XV. Verfes zó,,47. For this caufe, Godgave them up to vile *Mons : for even their Women did change their naturall sere into that which if agiinfi nature: and liken, ife sift the men left the naturall fife of women, and burned in lull one towards another. T I set o THE uS.- \Hat dash this text contain in it, for drift, order atad matter? 41 S I L,; The Apoftle , to the. end -bee may better deer and free from excepti- on and reproach,the jufiice ofGod, in punifhing the Gentiles i and more throughly beat down and tame their pride and overweening ( a -Maine ftop and enemy to the juftifying: grace of Chine ) he now fo toucheth their pu- nífhment, as that their fhamefull un- cleanneffe'( not to be named but with deteftation )is withal( more particular- ly and fully laid ourjy.t with much mo-' deftyimott foul and unhoneft things be- ing uttered in feemly and honelt tearms. In which,hedefcribeth theirr more then bealtly impurity. Firlt, by the moving and. . meritorious caufe thereof, in the îirft tearme of the Text [For this canfe ] that is; for their Idolatry fake, "becaufe they changed the molt glorious God contumelioufiyinto an Idol. Secondly, the chiefe agent or working caul: is mentioned( God delivered them. ) This God cloth not as an evill authour ind- cing tofinne, but as a righteous judge punifhng moo jufllyfin byfin,Idolatry with impurity and uncleanneffe : as -a judge cloth commit and give up a male- fat`tor to be tormented by the Executio- ner, fo God: delivereth Idoll-fervers to be tormented by Satan and tlteirowne lulls. T i M. Before ,yee go any fvrtber in un- borrelling and ripping up the memb rs of the Text, declare yet more diftinbilyahat be longs to this ( delivered ip) and hew God can do it, andyet not be partaker of finne? S i t. This fpeech of [Delivering up] our Apofile feenieth to have taken it out of the Pfa.8 i. i z. where God faith thus, My people have not 'hear&ned, &c. therefore I have delivered them unto the frowardnefi of their hearts; that they might God blin- walkeafter their owne counfels.This[Deli- deck men, veringup ] comprehends the foure afti= faith Aug. ons, whereof the frft is,that God with- .when hee draweth his grace, both light of know- enlighten ledge, and government of his Spirit, them, KR whichbeing removed, the tinner ntuft hardetrs needs fall into wickedneffe ; as a Itaffe when heel falleth when the hand is removedwhich cloth do upheld it : and as the earth is covered (often, sChru. t ;d with darkeneffe when the light of the z. E 3 Sun