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An Expofition upon tually or bodily;ihankfully to acknow- ledge k to cone from God, and in evil] things to be patient and well pleated with God, becaufe they are rent of him, after the example of job t. zi. and of David, Pfi1. 39. T t ` i. Wherefore doth the 4pofile fay, :bat all thingsare [for God ?] S 1 L. His meaning is, that all things are of him, and no other moving caufe, and by himfelfe none other liel -; ping him; fo they are only for his own glory, and for no other end ; for he made all things for himfelfe, Pray. 16.4. Revel. 4.11. he predeffinatcth,adopteth, and juflifieth men to the praife of his glorious grace, Ephef. t. 5,6. Hence our duty is to give him glory in and for all things,] Got./o.3o as the Rivers which flow out of the Sea returne thither a- gaine : fo God is to be praifed for all good things,becaufe, of him alone they proceed : and herein true children are difcerned from Baf}ards, who have no affe &ion 'toward the glory of God; whereas his adopted children make it the (cope of their a &ions. T s M. What may we learn by the laß words, E. To him b: glory, el.c ?] S i L. That all muff effia and approve Gods glory upon all occafi- ons, defiring it with all our hearts and gladfomneffe, willingly ratifying it : which is a very fure token of an adop- ted child of God, to with and approve his Fathers honour,with griefe to think of the hurt done to it by blafphemies and other wickedneffe ; and with much joy f}udying how to promote it in their lives and callings, by prayers and prai- fes, good praiifcs cfpecially : where there is this good minde in any mea- lure after the hallowing of Gods name, it is a good marke of one, who in truth fairh (0, our Father.) , cof.,e. 10. CHAp.XII. . Exhortations to morall Duties. D I A L O G U E I. Verf. r. 1befeecbyou therefore 'Erethrendy the mercies of God, that ye give up your bodies a living facrifice , holy, acceptable unto God, whiclvis your reafonable [riving of God. fication, Predeflination, unto the end of II.. Chapter. Here at the 12. Chapter, he beginneth the next part of his Epif}le which is parznetical or exhortatory,for heexhorteth all Chriffian profeffors in theperfon of the Romans, unto duties morali in this Chapter. Secondly, un- to civili in the next. Thirdly, unto charity, about things indifferent in th e t 4. and part of the 15. Chapters, and then defcends unto familiar things, Chapter 16. T 1 m. What Method and order dash the Apoffle(cepin this chapter? S i L. He txhorteth unto general] duties belonging unto all Chriflians affirmatively in the frfl verse, (hewing TT MOTH E; U s., Flew us how this Chapter dot!) de- 4 pend upon theformer ? fi\ S o Lin thefsrmer Chapters Paul had handled do &rinal points of Faith, as Juflification, Sandi-