5.56 An Expofiti©n zdp©n Chap. 13 Laftly, this of fulfilling the Law by love is ill wrefted of Papiffs to prove Juftification by works : for this is not here the Apofties purpofe : and when they (hall prove that any meet man hach perfe& charity, filch as the Law ex- að, the will then confeffe, that righ- teoufneffe before God may come by love. Mean - while, we dare not croffe the do&rine of the Spirit,teaching fo in many plain texts, righteoufneffeto be attained by faith without the works of the Law, which yet we may in föme fen fcbefaid to fulfill; both becaufe in our head it isperfe&ly kept, and that is allowed by firth as beleeved in him. AI- fo with "Augufline we fay , kuicquid ig- nofiitur, id quafi non fafum deputatur. Lally, the Saints keep it in defire and endevour, with care and Rudy to ob- ferve it in perfeEtion of parts, though not in perte &ion of nieafure and de- gree,which to us in this our pilgrimage is unpoffible, Kom.8.3. lOGUE' V "II. Verf. s i. And that knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of fleep : for now is falvation neerer, then when we beleeved. TIMOTHEus. Hat it the contents of the Scrip- ture, and what if the coherence and dependance of this Text with the for- mer ? S s L. For the Contents, this Scrip- ture hath in it an exhortation unto an 'holy conaerfation generally, and more particularly unto fome fpeci- all vet tues of Chriffianity, as tempe- rance, fobriety, chaftity, peace,with an expreffe grave dehortation from the contrary vices, as exceffe,riot, wanton - neffe,ffrife; things common, yet very odious fins : all urged and preffed from an argument of the circumffance of time; and the prefent condition of Chriflians, who being gracioufly tho- rough the Gofpell delivered from the night of ignorance and unbelief, and reftored to the light of knowledge and faith, ought diligently to flie the work s of darkneffe, and to do the deeds of light, agreeing unto the Rate of grace wherein they are let. For the connexi= on or dependance upon the former Scripture, that is touched in the very firftwords [And that,] as if he fhould fay, Unto the former exhortation to Chriflian charity, I do further adde this concerning an holy,fober,and chaff life. Here is therefore not a continuati- on of the former matter (as forne doe think the duty of mutuall love, to be now preft with new reafons : ) but a tranfition rather, from perfwafion to charity, to an exhortation to fobriety and chaftity. The like exhortation unto this, we finde in Ephef. 5.8. & i.2heff. 4. 5, 6. Wherein we have a very plain expo(iti- onof this our prefent Text, interpre- ting both what is the armour of light, and. the works of darkneffe, and what is meant by the day and the night, and what by fleeping, and what by waking. All there places concurring in the fame fcope and drift, which is to raife up Chriflians from the fleep of fin, and carnall fecurity unto Chriflian watch - fulnefl'e and fobriety. T s M. Touching theMethod of the Text, tell of what it is, and ofwhat parts Both con - fifi the ref of this chapter!' S s L. For the Method,the Text bath a propofition, which is, that we awake out offleep ; unto which there is joy - neda confirmation taken from fundry arguments, whereof the fief is froth the opportunity or circumftance of time, which bears a great fway in all things, [Knowing the time.] The fecond, is from that which is profitable (co wit,) the nearer we come to the goal, to run more cheerfully, that we may obtain the prize, [Our Salvation is nearer.] The third, from their prefent ftate,be- ing paff from the night of ignorance, to the day of knowledge ; and therefore the deeds of the night are tube let paffe, . that the deeds ofthe dag may be done, verfe 12. The fourth, is from that which is