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iverf. I is the Epiftl e to the Romans. is comely and honeft, verfe 13. a ftrong motive unto al honeft mindes,and Inge- nuousdifpofitions, which are moreled with honefty then with utility. This is amplified with an enumeration of the contrary works of darkneffe; as rio- ting,drunkenneffe, &c. which are di- .re&ly repugnant to the armour of light, which is not here particularly reckoned up, but wrapt in a new Metaphor of a garment [Put on Chrifi:] which com- prehendeth the graces of Chrift, oppo- fite to the former works of darkneffe. All is Phut up with an anfwer to a fe- cret objection : What then? [hall we allow no light to our flelh and filthy nature? Yes (faith the Aponte) fo it be not filthy luft, and to fervelafciviouf- nef %,verfe 14. T 1 M. What is meant by the time, and by knowingofthe time? Kairor. S i L. By [Time] is fignified the feafon and opportunity to do anything fitly. By [Knowing] is meant fo to fee it, as to obferve and mark it, and fo with fuch earneft endeavour to look to it, as not to let it flie and paffe away. Knowjedg is ufed ofall fuch things as do follow knowledge, love, care, con- fideration,labour, &c. fo is the word ufed, Pfal.1. laft verfe, Rem. I I. 2. Alfo 8. 29, &c. T 1 M. What it our leffon from theft firfi words? S I L. Hence arifeth à generali in- ftru&ion, that all our a &ions are to be done feafonably in a due time. As for example,to ufe the inftances of the A- poftle, if we will fleep to do it in the night, for that is the feafon fit for fleep; but if we will awake and work, let us do that in the day,as nature hath ordai- ned as meet for fuch a purpofe, as it is written, Pfalme 104. The Sumte ari- feth, and man goeth forth unto his labour. There are fundry things which being done in their feafon, are well done, and praife- Worthy, but being done out of meet time they are faults and blame- worthy. Innin& of Nature bath taught the Swallow and Crane to know and keep their feafons, as the Prophet Jeremy faith, 7hr. 8. y. and it is the counfell of the Heathens to take hold of occafions and feafons. The Poets did faign Time to have a bulb before, and to be bald be hinde,whereby they mean to teaçh,that opportunities and fit times to do things is not to be over - flipped. Chrift bath given us an example in his own perfon, for heduly obferved occafions of Do- ¿trine and Miracles. This wifdome our Apoftle k ould teach us here, when he faith, [It it high time.] And unto the fame difcretion, doth James call us, ,tam. 5. 13. 20 pray whence are afiNNed, to Ping Pfalmes. when we rejoyce. Efay complains of fttèh as gave themfelves to pleafure and mirth,when Gods judg- ments called them to mourning. It is great indifcretioó, fecurely to follow ourcarnali pleafures, when God' cats us to ferions repentance. Solomon faith of God himfelf, Ecckf. 3. 1. That Gad bath an appointed time (that is, a feafon) for all his works. Let Gods Children labour to imitate their Fathers wi(è- dome,forthat which is written of fpee- ches,andwords fpoken in feafon, they are like apples of Gold, with pi&ures of Silver,may be Paid of wo rks done in feafon, they are precious and pleafant. It werea (baffle for us to be worte then fenfelefïe creatures, and godleffe Hea- thens,yet it is the common fin.of Chri- fli.ans, as in their particular a `c-tion, not to mark offered occafions of God to do good : fo in their generali courfe of life, numbers "are afleep when they fhould wake, contrary to the Apoflles counféll here, It is high time thatye did awake out of flee?. T I M. What is meant here by fleep, and bywa tngoutoffie ? S I L. [Sleep] by a metaphor fig - nifies finne; it is a fpeech tranflated from the body to the minde, for (fleep) properly is a naturall thing belonging to the body : it is occafioned by evapo- rations of nourifhment, whence fumes riling out of the fîomach into the head, thereby the fenfes being bound,a man is unable to hear,or fee,or fmel,or to per- form the common fun&ions of naturall life. A waking outof fleep is the liberty Bbb2 of 557 Sleep natu- ral! and Cpiric,aiL A nanifall and Cpiricn_ all Waking: