Wilson - BS2663 W54 653

564 An Expofition upon Chap. i molt defile our honeft converfation,& w(h every man mull avoid that bath care to live honeJtly ? S 1 L. Thefe fix efpecially : fiat, Gluttony, or rioting, which properly lignifies night revellings,, all untimely and unmeafurable eating, and more ge- nerally it imports all excefiive feafls by day or night, when men eat till they glut themfelvesto the dulling of their fpirits, the filling of their bodies with difeafes, the wafting of their fubfrance, the ftirringup of Concupifcence. And note, that Paul forbids not eating, whereof there is great necefiity, or fea- fling, whereof there is lawfull ufe, fo the occafion be juli, and care be had of fit time,of our eflate,degree, and ability; alto that moderation be ufed : but im- moderate , unhoneft leaking is here prohibited, fuch as the heathens ufed, and the Prophets condemn, Amos 6. 3, 4, 5. Efay 5. 12. l& 22. 12. The fecond vice isDrunkenneffe, this is ex- ceffe in drinking, taxed by Efay 5. 11. Prov. 23. 29, 30, &c. it caufeth mach woe to body and minde. For wine and women takes away a mans heart, (or wifdome)- Hof. 4. t t. and by Peter, I Pet. 4.3. Ephef.. 5'. it, I2. in wine is exceffe, otherwifea little wine for in- firmity fake is allowed, I Tim. 5.23. It is reckoned up among the fins which bar men out of Gods kingdome, Gal. 5. 17, 18. & I Cor.9. Io. This vice be- ing fo fweet and agreeable to our cor- rupt nature, is hardly repented of.Laws ofGod and men will not bridle it. Such as fuffer it, when it is in their power to hinder, or do not what.lieth in them to hinder it: they are no lefíe guilty before God then they that committed it. The third vice is Chambering, the fourth is Wantonneffe, that is, all uncleanneffe about the a& ofgeneration,or bad-mee- ting by fornication, adultery, &c. Non prohibet cum mulieribus mifcere fed fcor- tari (faith Chryfoftome :) thefe be conti- nual! companionsand fruits of the two former. For vagrant!and unchafi de- fires about fexe, do proceed from ex- cefle in meats and drinks. This may appear by the example of Lot, 2oah, David, all which upon much drinking and full flomachs -did fin by inconti- nency, Sine Cerere Baccho [rigor Ve- nus. Looking upon wine, and loft after women are joyned together by Solomon, Prov. 23. 33' Rioting and harlotry met in the Prodigall fon ; and who fee not moll Baflards, where there is moli liberal! drinking and feeding? The fift vice is Strife, which is a falling out and contending about matters of faith or affairs of life. The fixt vice is Envie, which is a repining or grief at the pro - fperity of others. See Dial, on Rom. I. verf. 29. T 1 M. What are we generally to obfirve touching thefe fix Vices ? S s L. Thefe fix things : Firf, they be fuch vices, as a man which ,Math no' further care but of his honeft reputati- on he will not do them, many Hea- thens have fhunned them, and have been free from them 'touching out- ward a &. Secondly, obrrve that he nameth fume few, vices in Read of all: fee more of this bad brood, in Gat. 5. 19. I Gor. 6. 9, to; Thirdly, thefe were named, becaufe they were natio- nall,or more naturali, or tinemof ufed, therefore moft to be firiven againf. Fourthly, a great fountain or fink ra- ther of fin is Ropt and dammed up, when either Chriftians do repent of ex- ceffe in eating and drinking, or when Governours do repreffe thefe vices; whereas by fufferance and pra &ife of them, a floudgate of iniquity is let wide open. Fiftly, obferve that godly perfons after their new birth be fubjett to thefe difhoneft fns, elfe Paul would not have dehorted the beleeving Ro- mans from them. Therefore Gods people muff watch and pray, and his Minifiers muff warn the people conti- nually of them. Laftly, to be free from thefe vices, is required, that Chrifti- ans avoid all creations, means, can - fes, and provocations unto them. Sinne cannot be efchewed, whiles entice- ments unto finne be cherifhed: Who will no evil! do, mutt do nothing that belongs thereto. TIM. What is done in verle 14? S I L. The main exhortation ,is re. eared,