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Verí. i. the Epiftle to the Romans. S 7 CHAP. XIII'. DIALOOUB I. Verles I, 2, 3, 4. Him that is weake in the r'aith receive unto you, but not for Controverftes of di(putation. One beleeveth that bee may Bate of all things,and another which is weake eateth hearbs. Let not him that eateth, &c. Ti MOTH EUS. Flat is the Coherence of this Chapter with the former ? Alfa tellusthe contents and generals parts thereof. S r L.Theoccafion of this Chapter, was a difference between the beleeving Jew , and Gentiles , about meates, drinkes, Feat} dayes, and fuclt like indifferent things ; in the ufe whey- of he now teacheth, that charity ought to governe, and the end thereof to be the peace and edification of the Church. As tofore he handled things neceffary, being commanded and forbidden of God ; and laid down duties belonging unto all forts of perlons, friends, ene -. mies.Brethren, Magil}nates, private and publicke perlons, both to ourfelves and others : fo now he paffetlt unto things of a middle nature, neither required,nor prohibited in Divine Law ; about which, there was hot ftrife and conten- tion between the ftronger profeffors, which were perfwaded of their Chrifti- an liberty, purchafed by Chrif}, and publifhed by his Gofpell, and the more infirme and feeble Jewes, which were yet very ignorant of their liberty, ex- hortingthofe of more perte& in know- ledge i to have a charitable regard of the others weakeneffe, and the weaker not haftily to judge the ((ronger as A- poftates from Mo fes ; that brotherly love and concord might be maintained, land fcandals avoyded.The whole Chap- ter may be divided into two generali 1 heads ; one is a propolition of a duty, verfe t. The fecond is the explanation and enlarging of it, to the end of the Chapter. T r tin. What may be the method and order obferved hi the four f'rmoftveryes? S r L. In there verfes we have a precept of meekeneffe and love laid down in verfe r. Secondly, thething is named about which the diílen ion did grow,to wit, meates and dayes, verle i. Thirdly, the evill effel}s of this diffar- fion, the throng defpifed the weake for their ignorance, the weake condemned the throng for contempt. of Mojes Law, verfes 3,4. Fourthly,thrreafon whereby Patti pertivadetb unity, firft a ben,evo!entia eT bonitate Dei, God bath received him. Secondly, a juregentium, frond common equity, none may judge ano.her mans fervant. Thirdly, a Potentia Dei,God is powerfull and able to tftáblifh the weakeft, therefore contcmne not one another. Now the precept in verfe I. is this, They of greater knowledge ought lovingly to inftru &, and patiently to bear with the weak in faith, not troubling them with vain difpu- cation above their capacity. In this verfe we are to note foure things : Firth, the perfons fpoken to, [the thong in faith.] Secondly, the perfons towards whom love is to be (hewed, [ the weake. ] Thirdly , the aEfions to be done,[receive.] Laftly, the thing not to be done, [not to difpute to make then doubtfull. ] T t M. Interpret ti e words that we may gather dolsrines from them. S r L. By faith is meant not dorn+n but dollrina fndei, that is, not the gift but the do&rineof faith, the do &rine touching Chriftian l;bcrty propounded CO be beleevcd. They are raid to be throng in faith which were more perfe &ly in(tru &ed in this do&tine, as C e c verle,