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V ed. it. the Epiflle to the Romans. difputes to Phew wit, and to strive for vibìory, there is no charity or edificati- on; much pride bitterneffe, and wrath, whence ifíueth much offence and pertur- bation. T t m,. in the fecond verfe, which lay - eth down: one inflame about which the Chriffians firove together : give no firft the meaning of the words, and then the do trine. S r L. By beleeving is meant no more but knowledge or affent, being per fwaded: fee verfe 14.. It is set a- gainfi ignorance, denyall, and doub- ting. By all things, is meant meates of all kindes, either allowed by the Law of Mo fes,or prohibited. That in the end of [eating hearbs I owould be under. flood ,comparatively, that thefe weake one ones had rather eat hearbs to offend their con fcience, by eating things offe- red to Idols, or flesh forbidden in Moles Law.The fumme whereof is thus much: whereas there were two forts of Chri- f }fans in the Church of Ílowe,(ome more, Tome left: skilfull in the Gofpell ; the former thought all kinds of meates to-be lawful!, the other would not do fo, but chufe to eat hearbs rather then force kinde of flesh. T s M. What it our doefrine from hence ? S s L. That the Church of God is fometimes divided about fmall and light; things, which are betides the foundati- on : who is ignorant what jarres and flirres were between the Eafterne and. Wet/erne Churches in VUlors time,! and all about keeping of Faller day? alto afterwards whether the Lords. Supper fhouid be celebrated with bread leavened or unleavened : and oflate at t home, what hot contentions about Crolfe, Surplice, and ceremonies, like this at Rome, for meates and dayes, but that thefe once had the expreffe commandement of God? The reafon hereof is mans infirmity, whic h cannot endure to be croffed in their opinions,, to which we are too much wedded. Secondly,Satans malice, delighting in the contention of brethren; being much for his own advantage,and to the hurt of Chriffs kingdorne;for. a houle divided cannot fland. Laflly, Gods righteous providence,ordering and ditpofing both humane weakeneffe, and Satans rage to the tryall of his children,and manifefla- tion of hypocrites. T s ea. What ufe hereof ? S I L. It mui} warne allnot to thinke such things irange when they happen, or abfolutely to condenme that Church where fuch diffentions be, which rather is a figne of a true Church, Whole porti- on is to be exercifed with inteffine debates,Matth. so. 34, 35 Alf-6 to be watchful!, and ftandon our guard, that we be not drawn into (trite by over- weening or pride in opinion, as many good men have been overtaken. T 1 M. Concerning the effeu s of thofe con- tentions at !tome in vilifying and fettinz at nought of the weake, and their condemning of the fir ent, ver. 3. What are the le.(fans to be learned and praeii fed of us? S s L. Wheras filch beleevers as know their liberty in things indifferent' through the Gofpell preached , did defpife and deride others which yet saw not the abolithing of the Leviticall and Legali rites, we learn, that know -, ledge feparated from love is dange- rous. Forby our ownecorruption and fraile nature, fpirituall pride will creep in (ifwe do not look well to it) and make us set light, and account as no- thing, all who thinke not as we doe, I Car. 8. s Knowledge pufeth up. As in earthly things,fuch as have a faculty or any cunning, are apt to be lifted up by it, and to fcorne others 'which have not the like:fo it is in fpirituallrefpef}s, commonly such as . fee more then o- thers, difdaine others in comparifon of themfelves, which ought not to be fo, becaufe all we have is borrow- ed, and it is none of ours : As if a Stage - player should be proud for his hyred attire. Also if we exccll others in force things, others may excell us in better things, and -we may all confeffe ( with A,gafline) In holy Scriptures there be (fach he) more things which I know not, then there be which I do know. Again learn moreover, that ignorance makes men C c c 2 ra(lt.