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Verf.3,4, 5. the Epifide to tte Romans. 5 75 or good abfolgtely, which be comman= ded or forbidden in the word ; fo fome . be neither good nor evil! in refpe& of things done,but be ofa middle quality. The proof of this do &rive is out of the Text : for feeing to obferve a day and not to obferve it ; to eat, and not to eat,be a &ions direly contrary, yet our Apoflle faith of them both, that they pleafed the Lord, and tended both unto his honour : Hereof it plainly followes, that fome anions and things be of an indifferent nature, which may bedone,and God pleafed; ornot done, and yet God not offended. A fecond proof is eut of z Cor. 8.8. whence I reafon thus ; That which be- ing donc or not done- make us neither better nor worfe, mutt be indifferent. Thirdly, in this Chapter from verf. 17. I argue thus : That certainly is indiffè- rent, which neither furthereth or hin- dereth Chriftianity and falvation : But fuch things as meats and drinks(becaufe the Kingdome of God is not meats and drinks) therefore meats and drinks be indifferent. It is very true, that the abufe ofthefè things by excefíe and riot, is not indifferent,but finful. Alto where there is ho inch abufe, yet the intenti- on of the doer may befinfull: as if one forbear meats, with a purpofe therein to do an holy and meritorious a &.Like- wife, to eat and drink, &c. without faith, makes loch aEtións about them, limply con fidered in their own nature, are not evill nor good. Which as it re- bukesfiich as do deny Adiaphora, hol- ding all things to be evill or good; fo it infiru&eth us to know, that where Gods word bath not over -taled the cafe by preceptor prohibition, there we do not fin, if we avoid opinion of merit, fitperftition, fcandall of brethren, and contempt of good order and decency. T z M.What other doftrine fromthis verfe? S o L. It teacheth,that even in indif- ferent a &ions (as eating and drinking) the honour of God ought to be our end ofthem,and mark to aini at ;much more in anions neceffary and commanded,' uoured,loved,and praifed by our means; IConao.30. Mat. 1.16. Rom. xi. 36. without this our bcf'tdoings are defiled. Col. 3. 16, 17. Betides thefe Scriptures Therefore, as good fervants have care of the good reafon enforceth this le iron. Fir(!, God is the beginning. (all things are of him) and he ought to be the end of all (all things are for him.) And Prov. 16.4. For bimfelf (that is,for his glory) he made all things. As all Rivers come of the Se,, and return thither ; fo all things ought to redound to his honour, as the end, Peeing all is derived from him as the be- ginning. We have will and power from hint to do that which is pleating unto him,Phil.2.13. the praife of all therefore belongs to him. Secondly, Chrift hath bought us, our God gave Ch rift a price for us; therefore all our a &ions main and mean,religious and righteous ought toglorifie him, r Cor.6. 20. T 1 M. What nfe is to betnade of this dof?rine S z L. It reproveth fetch as be fo far from intending Gods honour in every aaion,as generally they think not once ofthe Lord and his glory. Secondly, fuch as direly and purpofely leek their own praife, or pleating of others or themfelves,having no other drift, but as profane worldlings and blinde Pa- pifts. Thirdly, fuch as do not as they do,to,but againft the Lord to difhonour him, and not for his honour, as wicked Epicures and Athens. Moreover, from hence all are very earnefflÿ to be exhor- ted, that whatfoever they take in hand, they do look to the pleating and ho- nouring of God in it. For, feeing God in his a &ions toward, us, doth chiefly refpe& his own glory, Rom. 3. 2. al- to 6. 24. Epbef. t. 6. 11.4. therefore in all duties towards him, this fhould principally be feen unto, that he may be magnified by our godly life.For there are three things required ofthem,which will be acceptable to the Lord One, . that it have the word to warrant it ,or not againft it. Secondly, that it pro- ceed from the root offaith, being done with a perfwafi on, that both a &ion and per pleafe God through Çhrift Thirdly,to thefe muff be added an affe- &ion and found dclìre, to have God ho-