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- 578 An Expofitionupon Chap i4 andGolpelfike, namely, to live after deathbed, who in the dayes of their our own minde, loft, and pleafure ; health and flrength forgot and forfook doing our owne will, and feeking our him. owne praife, like to that Rom. 8.5. T >< M. What other lefonfromverfe7 ? r Cor.io. 2. alfo z Cor. ç. t5. Our life S r L. All beleevers are taught their when it is referred not to thrift, but to duty, not to live to themfelves, after our owne commodities and honour, their own lulls, and for their own praife then we live to our felves: Allo when and purpofes ; for how can they live to there be none to grieve, mourne, and themfelves which have in baptilme and lament our death ; which is the cafe of profeffion denyed themfelves, even all many widowes,r fingle perlons, foie carnallaffe &ions (which are as dear to livers, poor people, with whofe death men naturall as themfelvts ?) better ne- none is affe&ed ; this is civilly to dye to ver to have vowed this, then not to keep him felfe : but Evangelically one dyath our vow,Ecclef.5.7. to himfelfe, when he findeth himfelfe T t M. What it the ufe hereof? defolate, and there is none to care for S t L. It ferves to warn the faithful' him being dead, as if he were forlorne to ltoppe their ears (as a Serpent doth) and call offofChrlft,thjs is the meaning againft the voyce of finfull pleafitres, here. and profits, Pelf -love, and vain - glory, T t M. T 'hat may now be our le fon from charme they never fo wifely : And to hence? Puffer themfelves to be led by the infpi- S i L. Firft, all wicked and unregene- ration and the government of the holy rate men live and die to themfelves, to Spirit , by which they are fan&ified, their own pleafure and praife. When Paul Rom. 8.5. then ye (hall die not to your faith 'none ofus, hemeaneth that others (elves, but finde God in your fickneffe do fo : the reafon hereof is, firft, they ready to make your bed,and to take care have no other ground and beginnings of ofyou dying,fìthence livingye did think their aftions,but their own will or lull, and f edy how to pleafe & glorifie him. nor other end of them, but their owne How can he leave you in your death, glory, or the pleating of themfelves and which did cleave to him in your life ? other men. How can he not refrefh you at the laft T t M. Tell soothe life of this point. dying hour, and receive you at the fait S s L. It ferves to reprove not only dreadfull day, whole chief intent and heathenifh people, but among Chrifli- endeavour was to renounce your own ans, the covetous, ufurers, Cornemon- delires and ways, for his will and glory gers,oppreffors,extortioners, &c. which fake ? miinde their own profit only , without T r M. Proceed to the eight verfe, and Phew refpe& of pleafingGod or their neigh- what it is [To live to the Lord, and to die to bour : Allo idle Minifters which leek the Lord ?] their own things and not Chriffs,Phil, 3. , S t L. Each of thefe contain there and Magiflrates which referre their au- four feverall diftín& things: [Ti live thority to their private ufe, foreflowing to the Lord,] is firft to acknowledge the weal publick : Allo it is a checke our felves not to be our own, or under and a fore one, to our young gallants, our own power at our own hands (as fwafh bucklers, Tavern - hunters, game- journeymen and Freemen) but to be íters, &c. which wholly intend . their thrifts, as his proper and peculiar. No pleafure, cafe, and carnali delight; they flock is fo much the Shepheards, or in do what they ought not, and as godleffe heritance fo much the Owners, or Ser. men do, living to themfelves, let thefe vants their Lords, as we thrifts. Se- look to die to themfelves. For as they condly, it lignifies, to render up our negle&ed God in their life, fo it is right felves to him, to do not our own , but that he negle& then in their death, and his will. As fervants do his will which leave them without comfort on their bath ranfomed them and freed them ; wit h What it is to live to ChoHt.