Verf. 8. What it is ro die un- io the Lord. the Epiflle to the Romans. with whom they have made a Cove- nant, and fromwhom they have taken wages and prote&ion,t Sam.22.7. fo we are bound to attend and obey the will of Chri ft,to whom we are bound by fo- lemn Covenant, and from whom we have had already many good things,and do look for more and greater, whole will alto is molt holy. Thirdly, as fer- vantsmake their Lord their refuge,fo to fly to Chrift in all our diftreffes and dangers : fo Jacob,fo David,fo Hezekah, fo Peter fled to Chrift, Save Lord or I pe rifh,Mat.14. Laftly, to leek his glory to the utnsoft end of our life. Now [to dye to him] is to confeffe him to be the only Lord of death, having it in his own hand and power. Secondly, to fubmit with patience to the decree of?death,af- ter Chrifts example, Mat. 26. Thirdly, to Rudy how to glorifie him in our death, by hope, patience, contentment, repentance,andfervent prayer to God, for our felvesand ours, and his whole Church ; and by our counfels and com- fortablefpeeches to fuch as (land about us, (namely) ourchildren,8cc. asJacob, David, Chrift, and others have done. Fourthly,to give uppur fpirits to God, as Steven,Ael 7. in a good hope and al. furance of a bleffed refurre &ions after the example of lob, Job 19. 23.I know my Redeemer liveth. T 1 M. What learn we from hence that we are the Lords whether we Ike or dye ? S t L. Fiir(l, that we have matter of much comfort in whatfoever kinde of death we die, for we have a Lord that will in death look to us, our tears are put in his bottle, Pfal.56. 8. Our death is precious to him,Pfal. r 16. 15. Let all mennegle &,tray di fhonour us in our death,caft usout,drag usthrough ftreets, hang our bodies on Jibbets, give our flefh to be meat to the Fowles of the ayre, as they complain in Pfal. 97.2. As the two witneffes,Rev. it. 8. And as the Admiral' of France was dealt withall in Parie,and Marlorate at Roane in Normandy: Yet Chrift is their Lord, and will be their Patron and avenger. Secondly, let filch as live to the Lord by obedience to his will, and zeal ofhis glory,free their 579 hearts from fear of Purgatories faigned fire, yea and of truly tormenting hell fire, fithence they being.purged by the blood of their Lord,are delivered there- by from all torments, and reftored to life eternall. Laftly, fee thewonderfiill dignity of a true Chriflian by faith joyned to Chrifi; he bath a good and a great Lord. If they be happy which might alwaies be about Soloinoaz to hear his wifdome; how bleffed are they rather which be long to a Lord greater then Solomon? who are in fuch fort the Lord's as they be Lords, eáen freemen, friends and bre- thren to Chrift, fellow-heirs, Priefis and Kingsto their God,through Chrift, Rev.i.6. T i M. From the ninth verfe which (as you fatd) doth fez down the àequifition, or how Chrifl got bar Univerfall dominion over all the faithfull, what things do ye tolled thence for our infiruïtion? S i L. I colle& thefedo &rines : Fiat, that Chrifl dyed truly and indeed, ha- ving his foul for a time violently fepa- rated from his body, whereof as the Sacrifices and Sacraments of the Old Teftament, namely, the Pafchall Lambe was a Type, i Cor. 5. y. So the Lords Supper, a Sacrament of the new, is a lively reprefentation in difiributingthe Bread apart from the Wine, and in the breaking ofthe bread, there is a fignifi- cation of his paiefull palìon. Secondly it was not fo nec)fary that he fhoulei die to fatisfie divínc Juflice, according to Gods eternal! apointment, and molt juft threatning, Thon (halt die the death, Gen. 2. 17. and to fulfill the prophefies or types of his death, and Legall facri- fices r but it was as needfull he fhould raife himfelf from the dead, becaúfe his death had not otherwife profited us,ei- ther by merit or efficacy. For by this nicanshe both declareth himfelf to be abfolved from our fins, which he bare that he might juftifie us, Rom. 4. 25. and to be conqueror of death and grave, yea and to become fit to exercife that do- minion and vi &ory which his death had pu rchafed. For being dead, he could not be vi &orious, fo long as himfelf D d d feemed