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580 An Expofition upon Teemed to be conquered, neither could he rule over the living, except he had been made alive ; and he liveth for ever, that he may for ever govern his people, which are here difiributed into two forts or ranks, 1.[the dead,] that is fuch as had departed this life from A- dam unto Chrift, and 2. [by living,] fuch are underiood as then did live, or fhould live from thence forward to the end of the world. Now, albeit Chrift being rifen, have abfolute power which he pra&ifeth ge- nerally over all men, good and bad,even over devils, as it is written, All power in heaven and earth isgiven me, Mat. 15. 27. & 28.18. which agreeth with Phil. 2.9, to. yet Paul extends his dominion in this place, no further then to beleevers, over whom Chrift doth rule for their falvation in a peculiar manner by his word and Spirit, as over his own pecu- liar people, whofe comfort and inftru- &ion the Apofle in this text purpofely intendeth. Here is then the [third Doarine of this verfe, that Chrift dyed and rofe not in vain, but to this end and to this very caufe,to get a foveraignty over all the Elea, which either had lived, or did then, or fhould afterward live in the world; all which, by good right, are fubje& to him, as to their Lord, to be ruledand kept unto falvation in heaven. Which as it teacheth the Church of both Tefaments to be but one, under one Lord ofboth: and that it compre- hends univerfally the Saints beforethe Law, under the Law, and under grace ; all which maketh one body,and one fa- mily, whence the Church is intituled Catholick, fo withall we learn,that the benefits of this Lord,as remíffìon of fins, righteoufneffe, adoption, falvation, &c. reach no leffe to fuch as were before Chrift, then to them, who fince Chrift do live,Rom:3.25. eb.9.15. And more - over,that they which be already dead in his faith,fhall certainly be railed to hea- venly glory,for fo much as Chrift is not Lord of the dead (as they be dead) but as they are appointed to be alive, for he is the Lord of all theliving,Mat, 22.32. Chap. i. Furthermore,that there is great com- fort unto all the true fervants of God, inafmuch as both in life and death they have a mighty and loving Lord to care for tbem,to preferve and fafegard them till he have crowned them. And finally, by this confideration they ought to keep themfelves from mutuall difcords and diffenfion s, living together in a peacea- ble and brotherly fafhion : which as it is agreeable to the minde and will of their Lord, fo it will tend much to his honour, and to the credit ofour Chri- ftian profeffion : and that efpecially,if remembring that they are under his au- thority and rule, they take not leave to live as they lift but to his will and ho- nour who hath brought them out of the power of darkneffe,to whom for fin by the righteous judgement of God, they wereenthralled and captivated, Aa. 26. 16. Let them Rudy to ferve him whofe they are, after Ends exam ple,Aei.2}. 23. and follow his counfell, 2 Cor.5. 5. He died and rote again, that henceforth we fhould live, not to our felves, but after his will that dyed for us. DIALOGUE V. Vert to,ss,r2. But why doe/i thou judge thy brother ? Or why doefi thou defy¿fe thy brother ? For we (hall all appear before the judgement (eat ofChrift. For it is written, Ilive faith the Lord, &c. TI MOTH EUS. Watt is the drift of this Text ? / S I L. To perfwade the Romans, and in themall other Chrifians,to con- cord about indifferent things by three new arguments. Firft, from their con- dition, in that they are equals, being all Brethren ; and equals may not mutually judge each other : this argueth fuperio- city. Secondiy,from the office of Chrift, who is the Univerfall judge ofall, con- firmed by a text out ofEfay 45. verf. 23. Therefore we have no need to cenfure others,but to look to our own account, verf 12. Thirdly,from the event,which followes the unfeafonable abufe of our liberty,