2 An Expofition ion Chap. >t 4. may be lawfuli in fome other cafes ; or unbelief. Upon which,fhall follow when circumfances vary, the matter it fpeedy and mighty execution ,the wick& felt is varied. ed being call down into hell fhame,anct T r M. Concerning the reafon drawn from torment ; the righteous carryed up to the judgement of Chrift, _thew to after what heaven,there in bliffe and glory to abide ! fort the 4paftle doth handle this point ? or how with Chrift for ever : for this order of many things h. e cloth confider about it ? the judgement,fee Mat. 2 5. from verf 3 a. S t L. The things confidered about it to the end of the Chapter. are very many and weighty, which fol- T 5 m. Is there yet any further thing low here in order. Firft, the univerfali- confiderable about this left and generaU judge - ty of this judgement [Ail we (hall Jtand] ment 3 weak and ftrong,learned and unlearned, S 5 L. Yea, the authority and right none are to be exempted from his judge- that he hath to his Office of a Judge, ment, the Judge is unpartiall, he will and to the work of judgement, .be- difpenfewith none: Secondly, [we jiall caufe he is that everlafting and migh- Jiand,] or we mutt giveoaccountverf.r2. ty Jehovah, of whom Efay the Prophet This judgement is unavoidable. Firff, fpake before, Efay. 45. 25. where the now the, Gods decree hath purpofed it, his word people of God oppreffed by Tyrants, ¡Jqr t'1 br prophefiedof it, his juftice requireth it, are exhorted to make the Lord God pat, ;: to z 7hef. i. 6, y: Thirdly, the manner their refuge, and to file to them for fal- be u ^det. how we (hall appear, Beprefetated or vation and fuccour : I have fworn by my a°n`t made to íland forth, every one naked, felf ( faith God) that unto me every knee himfelfand his caufe both, before the _hall bow, and every tongue fha1I fwear. Judge, each one in his own perfon. Here we mutt : note, that Paul as he i 'Fourthly, the perfon of the Judge (to leaveth out fome words being un- wit)Chrift;notas he is God only,but as pertinent to his purpofe, fo in (lead of he is man and Mediator, who though at (wearing, he puts here confeffion, being this prefent he be Judge ofall,and raign a more generall word for a more fpeci- over all,Aei.17. 31. Mat. 28.29. yet it is all. For an oath is a folemn profe(fion amidlthis enemies; they are not aboli= of God, that he is the feareher of the flied, the Church is not fully delivered, heart, the juft Patron of Truth, the which thall perfe£tly he done at this fevere avenger of falfhood. Alto ob- laft and general! judgement. FiftIy, the ferve that (bowing of the knee)) by manner of his coming to judgement, a metonymic ofthefign, is put for the it thall be glorious and full of Majefty, whole fubje &ion and divine homage. r Cor. 55.25, 26, 27, 28. for he (hall and worfhip which belongeth to the k; have a Judgement teat, even a throne Majefty of God our Lord, as in Phil. very high in the clouds, Mat. 25. 35. 2. 9,10. & Ephef I. 25, 22. is ex- Tbecerpo- and a white Throne, Revel. 20. 15. to pounded. Now thefe things fpoken of sal rnpertt;, nun: bow,, note the innocency and uprightneffe of Jehovah, fire by Efay, and afterby _aid, inS ut 5há the ud e,one to be corrupted with no a 1 ed hereto Jens Chrift, this evi- knee 0o the letters and bribes,o -blinded with ignorance, or re- dently (heweth that he is that Judge fyllables-o fpe£t of perlons. and foveraign Lord unto whom all ?for° ¡1Gy" Sixtly, the things which he (hall do knees mutt bow, in token of fubje &ion, do it not to when he is come to judgement, which and before whofe tribunali all mutt ap- Hoch üt ;o are theft. Firfl,he (hall make enquiry of pear, and be driven willingly, as An- to Emanu. all men both their perfons and attions; gels and men ele &, or unwillingly, as f17ro °` then he (hall lay them open, andmani- reprobate men and Angels to confe(fe ved by this feti them what they have been, and him to be the very true God and uni- ci ÿa:y what they have done. After that,he thail verfall Governour of the whole world : no material give a righteous fentence upon every at what time the 1lrriarts, Sarnofatens, they á!ró one according unto his works (which Servetto, Jewel, and all otherhereticks man bow are as evidences and witneffes of Faith which have denyed direly, or by con - fequence, . things eonfidea- f ble by this test, about ehelaft ,iudgemenv