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eri. 13,&c, the Epiflleto the Rolìmans. fequence, the everlaflingdivinity of the Son of God, (hail have their mouthes flopped with perpetuall contempt and fhame, yea, and all ungodly finners which either have not regarded to know, or refufed to obey this Chrift, (peaking and commanding in his word, !hall then be fulfilled with horror,when they (hall fee him to be God and Judge of all, whom by their difobedience to his voice, they fpurned again(}. It were therefore a happy thing if now difobe dient impenitent finners would often think of this, that they mutt all land before the tribunall feat ofChri (l; which is not fo terrible to the ungodly and contentious, that loves not peace and holinefs, but it is as comfortable to fuch as (Rudy to live peaceably and holly; for they fhall (land to be abfolved and crowned, as the other (hall. (land to, be condemned and confounded. Therefore let every Chri (lian not fo much look to others what they be or do, as to their own life, how they themfelves live ;for every one mull give an account of him - felfand his own doings, and not of others,and every one (hall receive accor- ding to that (not which another, but) which himfelf hash done, 2 Cor. 5. 14. Repent therefore(asall other fecure fin.. ners,having this dreadfull'day ever in your thought as a whip and Scorpion rather to drive from the love and fervice of your finfrtll lulls) efpecially ye butte medlers,curious priers and obfervers of other mens a &ions and wales, prefum- ptuouscriticks of other mens perlons, whole holineffe and goodneffe is to think and talk how profane and bad other men be, being henceforth to ac- calk your (elves, examine and judge your felves, and what you find evil! and out oforder at home, fpeedily without delay, and fincerely without diffimula- don redretfe that, that when the judge cometh, (and he is even at the door,) ye may have rejoycing in your (elves. Hold it for a grand policy of Satan, '(abufingour naturali curiofity) to con- vert our eyes unto theperlons and wales of others, that we and our own works being foreflowed, we might place our 583 comfort in this,thatwecan fee how evill others be, and that we are not fo ill as they be, as the Pharifee in Luke. To remedy this, alwaies remember,(and let it never be forgotten) at thy riling up and lying down think of it, that thou mull be countable for thy felt to an- fwer thy own cogitations, words and actions; Every one (hall bear his own burthen,then every tub (hall (land on his own bottome,every di(h hang by his own grill. This maketh nothing againft wife and charitable care of thy neigh- bours good, but to draw thy eyes to look to thine own field, to fee it be not too much overgrown and ref} unpurged, while (' thou art foolilhly and malici- oufly occupied in weeding another mans ,garden ; at a word, fithence the meditation of the judgement of Chrift is a (lrong prefervative againft fecurihy and curiofity, therefore enter into cove- nant with thy Pelf every day to confider it till thy heart be thorowly awakened. Imitate blehfcd Paul, z Cor. 5. I r.2 7im.4. t: DIALOUB VI. Verf. t3,t4,i5, ;6. Let us not therefore judge one another any more, but afeyour judgement rather in this, that no man put an occafion to fall, or a flumbling blockbefore his Brother. I know and am perfiraded, &c. TI MOT isEUs. SHew trr the Coherence, Scope, and Method efthis Text ? S s L. His generall exhortation both to firongand weak in the fir(i verle, is now doled ; and he paffeth to a fpedali dehortation to the firong more skillull Chrif}ians, that about meats and other indifferent matters,they offend not their weak brethren.So as the (cope is,to flay the firong from being an offenceto them of leffe knowledge,by the abufe of their Chriftian liberty. As for the Method, here is apropolition dehortatory, Be circumlpeét and heedful, that ye fcan- dalize not your brother; which though it be meant of meats, yet it is put down Ddd 3 in