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584 An Expofition upon Chap. 4. in the thefts, to teach that about all and condemn one another for thefe in- things (not meats only) of indifferent different matters ; yet now that ye have nature, fcandall is to be ,taken heed of, heard 'fo good and manifeft reafons that none be given verf. 53. In verf. 54. againft it, from the dignity of your there is a fecret objeEtion in Pat& per- Lord, and his office of Judgefhip, hentce- fon,Ibeleeve that nothing is unclean, forth do it not. The reafons hereof are, why then fhould I abftain from any firs, when we live in fin after meats for my Brothtrs fake ? To which ledge, it is the greater fin, Soh 9. 45. Nu/ anfwerethtwo waies , flat, by a Jam.4. 57. Secondly, it draweth grea- diftin&ion thus, By it felfor in it own ter wrath and punifhment, both tempo- nature, nothing is unclean to him that rail and eternal', Prey. 1. 26. Luke 12. fo judgeth of it. Secondly, it becomes 47. He that kyowes his mafiers will,atd dab unclean when it is eaten with offence it not, (hall be beaten with manyßripes. God and griefofa brother, verf. i 5.. where bare with the lfraelites in their igno- three reafons are rendred to diffwade ranee; but when they had fìnnld flub- from offending or making fad our bro- bornly after fundry warnings by his ther. Firft,it is againft the mile ofchari- ftrange works, he fent orange plagues ty : fecondly, from the hurt which may amongft them, r Cor. ro. 5,6, 7.The ex- come to our Brother, who is in danger amples of Gods judgements againft the of deftru&ion by the offence given him, old world,Sodomites, Pharaoh, the foes yea, a wrong is done to Chrift, in fpil- of Ely, againft Ehorazin and Bethfaida, all ling the price of his blood, verf. 55. of them warned by Noah orLot,bylifer,. Thirdly, from an evill effe &, it will byEly,and by Chrift, do confirm this carafe fò great good as Chriftian liberty, truth, that it is dangerous to continue (yea, God the author of that good) to in fin after warning. be reproached, verf. r 6. Thirdly, fins agaïnít knowledge, T a M. Now haften to Interpretation and are the highway to the fin againft the Doilrine, with the u )es and duties which we Holy Ghoft ; for though every fin after are to follow. Begin ftrß with vet fe i 3. knowledge, be not that unpardonable S1 L: Themeaning is, Peeing every. fin (which bath knowledge joyned one muff give account of himfelf to with malicious hatred of the known God, let us no more judge others, but truth of falvation by Chrift) yet it is take heed and look unto our Pelves and a ftep and degree thereunto. our own waies, that they be not offen- T 1 M. What is the ufe of this irfruïfion? five. Whereas Paul may Item with one Si L.To exhort every one to beware Vf: breath, to fpeak contraries, judge not, chiefly of filch fins, whereof he bath but judge it is an elegancy of fpeech, been admonifhed and clearly convi&ted. I one Pelf -fame word tiled in feveraIi For, ifour love to our bodies be filch, fentes. Firft,in ill part for condemning that we carefully avoid Euch things as others uncharitably, then in good part, we know are wont to hurt them, how for examining our felves, and ponde much more ought we to thew forth this ring our own a&ions,fo to order them, care for our fouls? For if civil! Juflices, as no offence come thereby; we may not Matters, and Parents, will more feverely judge others but we may and ought to ftrike where their warnings bedefpifed, judge our felves, thefe be not contrary, let not us think that God will forget t Corr 1. 3t. filch as negle& his admonitions,but wil T r sa. What is our Marine from theft wound them deeply firft or Mt that go words thus expounded? on in known fns,as himfelfthreatneth, Doctrine Sr L. That after our confcienee is Lev. 26. 21 .24.I will walktffubbornlyagainft by good reafon convi&ed of any fin, them, that walk. ftubbornly againfi me. Oh, we muff firive to leave it, and life it that this in time might be confidered of no more : fo Paul (peaks here [Let us no fuch as have been often many wales ad- 'nlore,]though ye have been bold to judge vertifed of their faults, yet are fo farre given