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586 An Expofition upon Chap, them as things fiufull and unlawful}; for that meat which may be eaten if no offence follow, to eat it with offence is evil' to him that doth it, Rom. 14.20. and the like we are to judge of all other indifferent things, that accidentally by the fcandall annexed to thcm,they ceate to be indifferent, and pollute him that doth them with offence. Secondly,here is an admonition to all Chrifüans which openly commit groflè fins, and by their example teach others to do the like. Alfo to Parents, Mafters, and all Governors, which in the prefence of their inferiors have fpoken or done wicked things, or foreflowed good du- ties,as prayer,reading, &c.edifying them in iniquity by Poch naughty praaifes, and by fins of °miliion, that betimes up- .on the former reafons they move them - (elves to hearty repentance,for the lean- dall and offences they have fet before others. For feting Ch rift hath Paid it, Woe muff be to fuch by whom offences come, except fuch as give them be truly humbled, turning to God, and defiring forgiveneffe of his mercy, fully purpo- fmg to walk without offence hereafter: for certainly they (hall feel the curie of God, which do give occafion of harm to the fouls of heedlefíe men, feeing a curfè is threatned, Deut. 27. i8. Will God pour his curie and vengeance on then[ who make the blinde [tumble to the hurt of his body, and will he not much more do this to foul- deftroyers ? T t t1.2gw that we have done with the dojirine of offences, and proved it by reafons both forain, and bred in the Text,let us hear what we are to learn from the objelfion ire the 14 verfe, andfïrff what it le [to be perfwa- ded through the LordJefas ?] S r L. Through the Lord Jefus, fig - nifies not the merit of his death(as Tome think)for before the time of his paflìon, nothing was unclean in his own nature, but either, s generally through Adams fin, which polluted all, or 2 morally by intemperancy and riot, or 3 Cere- monially prohibited, as certain Beafts under the Law, or 4. fcrupuloufly and fuperltitioufly of fuch as doubt of the lawfulneffe of lawfull meats. It figni- fies 1 Cor.S. 12. There is that ftraight con i unaion between Chrift and the faith- full,that the good or the evill offered to t hem redounds to him, Mat 25.45. Alf° how can weby our offence given, make void the fruit and force of Chrifts death, towards our brother offended by us,(fo much as we may, and no thanks to us if we be not fo ) what other thing ( I fay) can this be then to fin againft Chrift,_ by plucking from him one whom he bath fo dearly bought ?Which ought not to be underftood as if any cf- feétually red:emed by the death of Chrift, and by faith ingraffed in him, could indeed perifh, (as I-luberus and ma- ny Lutherans teach) for this is molt firmly to be held (as .4uguffine faith) That none of the predeftinate can ut- terly fal away from grace,for then Gods eleaionfhould be fruftrate, and Chrift untrue, who faith, It isunpofPble,Mit. 24. And his love changeable, joh.. i 3. 1. His covenant brok en, .jer 31.32. Chrifts intercdlìon unavailable, ph 17.15, 20, 21. Gods wifdome deceived, his power and goodneffe overcome and vanquifhed by niant fin ; all which are not only abfurd but impoffible, howbeit in re- fpea of maus weakneffe, ready to fall, even as a young childe, ora fick perfon. Icon cverturned ; and the extreme power and malice of Satan, that like a Dragon is able to (hake and pull down Cedars, even ftrong ones, it God per- mit ; and laftly in regard of the great and dangerous temptations and fcandals which fore tempt us; it is true that the beleever may be deffroyed, and when any offence is given them,then what ly- eth in the party that put the block in his brothers way, he cafteth bis brother down headlong to etcrnall deftruaion: but the mighty God with his hand up- ho!ds all hi s,not from falling, but from falling away. T 1 M. What duties may this Dot?rineof offences teach us ? S I L. It inftruaeth us to know that fuch things as in refpe& of their nature be not evill, and which otherwife we might do,yet if they prove fcandals and hurts to our brethren,we ought to fhun