Verf. /7. the Ep f1le t ply confidered In themfelves. T a M: What are the DotIriner to be lear- ner out of the firfi part of this verfe this opened S i L. Even this, that things that be indifferent, are of no neceffity unto the fervice of God, or Caving of our fouls. The proofs hereof, firft, from authority ofScripture, Mat. i 5.11.1 Cor. 8.8. Heb. 13.9. iTim.4.4,8. According to there Scriptures, our Englifh Church hath judged.thefe meats, &c. to be unneceffa- ry in their own náture, either to holi- neffe or happineffe, the clear light of the word having taught us : as the words of the ftatute by An, 3. of Edw.6. that one day, or one kindt of meat ofit felt, is not more holy, pure, or clean, then another, and that no meats at any time, can defile any Chriftian, and that all meats are lawfull, fo they be not ufed in difobedienct and vice, but be re- ceived with fobriety and thankfgiving to God,and fan&ified by the word and prayer : therefore, hówfoever á ci- vili ablinence at certain feafons is well commanded, and ought according- ly to bepra &ifed : yet no Religión is to be placed in fuch abftinence from nweäts: whereof this reafon may be rendred, that by meats neither is the heart ftreng- thened in grace, or polluted with fin, made neither wifer nor better, holier or happier. T s M. How then doth the tlpoffle reckon up gluttony and drunkennefre aniongft the fins which bar us from Gods kingdome? s Cor. 6.9. Gal. g. 2I. and on the other fide, Jee- ing murther is ¡a Capitall fn, and men may commit it upon themfelves by 1affing and alb - ffireuce, how may it then be truly faid, that the Kingdome of God is not meats and drinks? S s L. It is true, thàt by exceffe in meats and drinks, the Kingdome May be loft, s Cor. 6. s o. Ga1:5. 2 i. but meats and drinks themfelves taken,or not ta- ken, do not exclude us from the Kingdome, nor give us intèreft unto it. Howfoever the abufe,by the defeet, not uling them at all,or in the exceffe, uling them intemperately, may and do de- ferve damnation, and will certainty draw it upon the heads of all fuck o the Romans. 589 . which repentnot of their insmòderate- neffe about theirexternall.things, yet a man doch not pleafe God, or Thall be faved,becaufe heeateth l'ifh rather then Flefb, anddrinketh Beer and riot Ale. T t M. Show us what ufe Chriffïans are to make of this Doctrine? S i L.ift ferves for confutation ofthc Vfe. Manichees,af rming Tome meats in their own nature to be evil}, as Meth, Egges; Milk, and Wine,faying of Wine,that it is the gall of the prince of darkneffe, difhononringthe Creator, and contra - dieting this Text, which plainly faith; The Kingdome of God is not meats. Al- fo, the Marcionites their Pue -fel lowes, who defend, that it were as good to eat and devour a foul; as -to eat things that had blond and life. Thefe put fin and damnation in meats even dire4tly; and fo do the Papifts indire&ly; and by Ili: ceffary confecution. For whileft they do avouch in word and writing, that howfoèver no creatdre is impure by creation, but fo confeffe all to be good which Godhath made : yet that to eat fifth or white meats at Certain times, ai Lent Ember Weeks,Faftingdaies, & a matter Agatha Religion dtfpleafing to God, yea a'mortall (thatis,in their con- Itru &ion) a hainous fin, and no, lefé fault then, to kill a man: hóldiñgthein for belt Chriftians which do put molt Religion in abftinence from meats, which they reckon as thing not ac- ceptable alone, but meritorious and fatisfa` Gods Juftice, both for themfelves and others,and all upon this pretence to tame the flefh, which in the mean time they pamper with manifold delicacies,grèatprovokers of Iuft.What is this elfe, but to fulfill the Prophefie of the Apoftle, s 7ím.4. a. in hypocrifie and coloured words to make all meats unclean at Tome time, and to force men at all times, as if meats were the King - dome of God,Or as if the Kingdomwere to be Won ör loft by meats or drinks ? T s is. What other leffon from theft words ? S s L. That meats and whatfoever Other indifferent things are more flight, then that Chriftian ought to contend about