590 An Expofi aboutthtm :for feeing they ¡are no parts, either of Law or Gofpell, what reafon have Chriftians to dient for them ? In- deed for fuch things that pleafe or dif- pleafe God, as precepts of the Law, promifes of the Gofpell, faith, and obedience towards God,we are ftrongly to Rand, and earneftly to contend for fuch things, Jude 3. whereof we have Paul for example, Gal.2. r i. What may we judge then of thofe Papifts and Pro - teftants, which ;chafe *Ind fret for neg- le& ofa humane Ceremony, being cold and careleffe about Chriftian duties, tything Mint, and -Annice, and negle- &ing greater things of the Law, ftum- bling at ftrawes, and leaping over blocks? Alto what folly to make fuch adoe about titles, precedency, and fuch other toyes,as if heaven did lye upon it? This very di #tin &ion of things unne- ceffary to the kingdome, and neceffary, well and duly confidered, would cut off divifion and debate among brethren; who how foever there may be force rea- fon for differences, about the inheri- tance and their fathers goods, yet for chips and feathers to contend,may argue lack of wit or good will, or of both. DIALOGUE VIII. Vertes r 7,18,19, 2o. But righteoufneffe, peace, and joy in the holy Ghofl. For whofoever in thefe things fer - veth Chrifl,is pleafing to God, and approved of men. Let us thenfollow, fie. :ion upon Chap. 14 TI MOratEus. WHat daththis Text contain ? S r L. Firft, the condition or parts of Chrifts kingdome, which con - tfteth not in meats or in other exter- nail things, but in things inward and fpirituall,(towit) righteoufnefíe,peace, and joy, fuch as comes from the holy Ghoft, and are not carnali, nor can be loft, verf. 17. Secondly, a reafon from the effe &s, thus; In thefe things we ferve Chrift and pleafe God, but the kingdome of God doth ftand in fervice ofChri ft, and 'pleafing of God; there- fore righteoufneffe, peace, and joy,are neceffary to the kingdome, and not meats, verf. i8. Thirdly, a conclulion, that fithence peace is one part of religi- on and of the kingdome, therefore by all means Chriflians are to imbrace that, and to put away ftrife about other unneceffary things, verf. 19. But left we fhould think that every kinde of peace fhould be followed, he adjoy neth thereunto edification,verf.2o.Anedify- ing peace is to be followed, and what - foever belongs to it, as charity, forbea- ring, concord, forgiving one another, meekneffe, and all other furtherancesof peace be diligently to be fought for. Unto this edifying peace there is fet againftit, asoppolite, deftroying con- tention. Fourthly, an anfwer to a fc- cret obje&ion : but feeing all meats are pure, created and granted of God as lawfull to ufe, why fhould it not be good for me to eat ofall meats,whatfo- ever become of other men ? Not fo,faith Paul, for though all meats be good, yet they be not [good to him that eateth with offence to his brother, verf. 2o. T i M. Now expound and tell to what is meant by [righteoufneffe, peace, andj.oy ?] S I L. Righteoufneffe fignifies juftice imputed, or of the perfon being abbol- ved ¡from fins, and accepted righteous through faith inChrifi. Secondly,inhe- rent juftice, righteoufneffe ofworks,or that which the Scripture calleth fan &i- fication or hplineffe of life, begun in filch as are juftified by faith. Peace figni- fies inward peace of confcience, quieted in refpe& of reconciliation with God and rendition of tins : alto outward con- cord with the brethren ; this being a fruit of inward peace of the foul,as that followeth juftificat ion by faith,Rom.5.2. By joy is underftood the fweet motion of a Chriftian foul cheared up and made glad, partly by prefent fenfe of Gods love fhed into the hear t,and partly i out of hope of the reward to come, Rom. 5.3,5,6.Ofthis joy Chrift faith it is not taken away ,Ioh. 14. And Paul that it makes joyous in tribulation, Tom. 5. 3. Of thefe three ye may read at large be- fore, namely, in the Dialogue upon the begin- RihmvuC- ne(Ce. Peace. lay