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Verf. i 7. the E piftle to the Romans. 19' otirine. beginning of the fife Chapter. The holy Ghoft is added here, both to note the efficient caule of Chriftian righteouf- peffe,peaçe,and joy : alto to diflinguifh Chriftian righteoufneffe,peace,and joy, from that which is worldly and carnali grounded upon earthly things, and be- ing all unconitant. T r Al. What is the doeirine from thefe words ? S r L. That things which be neceffary to the kingdome (that is,to religion and falvation)they be fpirituall and inward things, fuch as by the holy Ghoft, are wrought in the foul, as namely, juftifi- cation by faith, peace of confcienee, joy in the holy Ghofh, which is not fo to be taken, but that charity, repentance, godlineffe, meekneffe, patience, tempe- rance, truth, goodneffe, fidelity, &c. do belong to the kingdome. But thefe three are here named, as chief, and cause or ground of the reft,which be unfeparably linked to thefe. For julifying faith as a glorious Lady, after her Both draw a train of Chrilian graces, which always be where faith goeth before, as Ruth would be wherefoever Naomi was : and righteoufneffe of workes containeth all venues in it. Alto the miniftry of the word, prayer, and Sacraments, though external! things, yet they have relation to thefe fpirituall things, whereof they be the helping caufes or inftruments to beget or increafe, and fo belong to the kingdome. The reafons why the king- dome ffandeth in fuch fpirituall things is, God being a Spirit, job. 4.24. the things of his kingdome muff be fpiritu- all, and futable to himfelf who is the King.Secondly,hiskingdome is not of this world, yob. 18. 36. therefore not I in worldly,but in inward and heavenly things his kingdome confifts. T r M. What is the ufeofthis dotïrine? S e L. It ferves to provoke all men with all endeavour to feek after righ- teoufneffe, to have their finnes forgiven them, to be partakers of Chrifts juflice, and to worke righteoufneffe, leading a jut} life: to get the biding of an appealed and pacified confcience, and a joyful! heart under hope of glory, without which we have no fellotvfhip with the kingdorne, no part ie falvation : and let all filch as have received grace tubeleeve, and by their faith do receive the jolice ofChrift to be their own, and are rege. nerate to live juftly, having peace with God and men, rejoycing under the hope ofglory, t't ough but in a weak meafure and with much imperfe&ion ; Let them I fay, much comfort thenifelves, and continually praife the God of heaven, which bath imparted to them loch things that are fo neceffary to true reli- gion and eternal! falvation. Thirdly, here is a reproof to fuch as be earneff in external! flight things, and negle& the chiefmatters, yea or filch who reft in general! knowledge,profeflion, outward reformation of life, fome delight in the word and in the brethren, in a certaine zeal againft fuperftition and prophane- nefsin theeómunication of the myfteries, &c. which be good things, yet inch as others have had, and very many have who never fet foot within the threfhold of the kingdome, whereofa man or wo- man (hall never become a true member fo long as they lack e regeneration, and the finites thereof,righteoufneffe,peace, and joy. T r m.What other incouragement to labour for thefe things ? S r L. That not by thele things (as if we could merit by them : for they are effeEts of grace, not caufes of the king- dome) but tin thefe things we ferve Chrift and pleafe God: to ferve Chrüft is by faith and obedience to cleave to him. After this manner Chrilt will be ferved, and God will be pleated , and both we andour doings will be accep- ted of him, if we fetch righteoufnefle from Chrift alone, drawing from him and his promifes matter of found eran- quillity,and inward cheerfulneffe,índea vouring to live uprightly and godlily. Now what (hould we ftudy rather to procure, then that we may ferve Chrift our Redeemer, and pleafe God our Creator and preferver? for it is the end of our creation,redemption,and cotafer- vation, to ferve and glorifie Chrift,and pleafe God. Therefore how earneftly E e e fhould