592 An Expofitaon upon (hould thefe things be striven for and Cearched after, which do finable us to honour and pleafe both God the Father, and Chrift the Son? Sec how much they are deceived, which in popery do place the fervice of God , and ?leafing of Chrift for the Aloft part, in outward rites and ceremonies deviled by them. felves,whereas the Sacrifices of the Law, and the ordinances of the Gofpell being fevered from thefe inward things, are abhorred of God, Ejay r . r 3,14,15. Mat. 7.22,23. Gods own holy inftitutions are no whit available to ferve and pleafe Chrift,nay they be an abomination if they be not joyned with faith. T r M. But why doth be fay they are appro- ved of men which have they thin¿;s,feeing the world hates Gods children,and thinke the worfe ofth.m becaufe they love and obey Chrift, as Cain hated Abel, and the Jewes and Phari- fees in the Gofpell for that reafon condemned Chrift and hú Dif ciples ? S 1 L. Yet even wicked men are com- pelled to approve, and fometime to ho- nour them which are crowned with thefe gifts o£the Spirit, as the Philiftines and Hittites, Abraham and David; and the Egyptians, Jofeph; and Herod, John the Baptifi; and Pilate and the Centurion, Chrifi; and Felix reverenced Paul: How- beit in our text,are meant men of Encere judgement. Thefe will alwayes accept and commend, and give good teftimony to the faithfull, as Enoch had a good re- port, fo had all the faithfull, Heb. Learn hence, that we may not utterly contemne the judgement andwitneffe of men, Rem. 12.17. Howbeit in order, we mull begin in the approbation of God, to feek that moft'and fi:R, Maith.6.33. and afterwards the allowance of men. He is not the fervant of God, which either pleafeth men, rather then God, or God without all care of men : God Mt, and forhimfelf; men after, and for God. T 1 as. What are we to learn from verfe 19 ? S r r.. iFirft, that we mull purfue peace with our brethren, that is, Peek it with vehement delire, not coldly nor carelefly , teeing peace pertaineth to Chap., religion and falvation, is nook needs be eagerly followed alter, alter the exam- ple of Abrabarn,exerciling and hunting after peace with Lot, and of ])avid, who fought to live peaceably with all men, Pfal. 120. whole counfcll is, we lhould follow peace, Pjal. 34. 14. Have peace with all. See Rem. 1 2.18. Secondly, as we love peace, we mull get and look after fuch things as belong unto peace, even all graces which be Parents to breed, or Nurfes to fofter peace, as milde fpeech, courteous behaviour,forbearing revenge, pardoning errors, palling by offences,intcrpreting ofdoubofull things to the bell part, loft anfwers, direct filence, or whatfoever elle may caufee or confirme peace. Thirdly, we muff beware of the quite contrary, of all things which may be hinderances to peace, as hatred, envy, delire of revenge fiercenelfe , bulie medling, debate, ítrile, wl:ifpering, backbiting, and talebearing, &c. as a (word point, or as a Scorpion, to are thefe to be avoyded of than that love peace. Fourthly, Chriflians arc to em- brace fuck peace os tends to edificati- on. We are Gods houle andTemple, 1 Cor.6.:9. r Cor. 3.9. 2 Cor. 6. 16. As in a naturali building, many workemen joyne their labour together, to perfeét one building ; fo Chriftians muff with joynt care,diligence, and Rudy, do filch things as make men better, more godly and rcligious,more Rrongin faith ; and this is to edifie, which principally pertaineth to the Miniltery, Ethef 4. 11, 12. yet reacheth even to pro- feffors, who as living Rones, muff Rrengthen and hclpe one another to Godward. There is a peace in evill, when per- Ions agree in fuperffition, here[ie,in un- righteoufneffe, theft, and cruelty : as Simeon and Levi brethren in ev ill, He- rod and Pilate againft Chrift, the falfe Apofiles againft Paul agreed. This is a wicked peace, it tends not to edify- ing in godlineffe, but to deftruttion, and maketh men fall from God, and be- come worfe and worfe, and therefore is to be abhorred. Zachary joyneth peace Nate this