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Vert22. tbeEpifiletolbeRomans. whom for his youth fomeliberty might be allowed) yet be not clean and pure,' except they be purged and ordered by the word, Pfal.s 19. 9.. which how is it a Lanthorn to our feet, and a light to onrifeps, if there be any part.of -dur Chriftian -faith and converfation, for which it giveth uotdireótion ? Forif it be fo perfè&,asit'hath füffieieney to err' able the man of God to every good work of his calling, how much snore men of othervocations ? Worthily l then have the ancient Do &ors of the Church as I have heretofore (hewed) honoured . the word of Scriptures, with this cons -, mendation, that i t is, kegula X etigio tu'd merlon : Magiflra Fidel & vit.e : warmer Gbh-. troverfiaran, ds- ccnverfaticnir. For What im perte &ion can be in that word which hath been infpired by a. Spirit ofinfinite wifdome ? Would the molt wife and good God leave to his Church but half a rule, a lame and maimed Canon ? which should be firpplyed by Decrees' and Traditions of Men,-by good inten- tions ofour own (as they are called, ) by dire &ion of reafon, by fuggeflion of every mans confcience? As our Ro- maniffs would have [Faith,] in this Text, to be underftood of the perfwafi- on of every mans confcience , fo as an Heathen and Inñdell doing that which in reafon & confciencehe judgeth right, that cannot be fin, but whatfoever any doth (beleeving it in his own confci- ence,to be lawful') that is a good work, and pleafeth God. If this were fpokcn of a confclence,and of reafon grounded on 597 the word ofGod, it were well ; but be- fog gen-erolly uttered,it is not well : for the very Gun- powder Traytors made confcience of their doing. The confcience is made good by the áa. 5.9. knowledge and faith ofthelward, with- Tit. '. rç out which, there is no right and godly nie of our reafon. By benefit whereof, howsoever we may do things naturally, or morally; good, yet not fpiritually' goad, fo as God be pleated For it can -i not be, that any work ofours be plea fing to him,till the perfon be reconciled and pleating: and this is not done other wife, then by being ingraffed in Chrift'! by Faith, in whom Godis well pleated, Mat.3.verfelaff.Heb.1r.6. Though we Aninsdeìt do not fay, that the making and min( -. cdoffin, firing good Lawes, education of Gh.il- b«a re he do:h dren,reverenceofSuperiors,fuccouring cvorksins oc of Parents f eakin truth ,keeping ofrath e'd rit the mifes, defending their p gp pro- ro Countrey, &c. fotwr;<h in Pagans, and profane Ghriflians be hemon,d, finfull, but rather vertuous Acts, (if thcn,e with we refpe& the fubflance of the thing " n od done) yet if we regard circumftances (as Aug. that they were done not unto a due end, oroutofa good minde, and for that the perlons of the doers were not of Ch ift) fo they were fins, and difpleafed God. Thus Origen :it is turned into fin,what- foever good thewicked do, becaufe they are not done in faith. And Auguffine : Vertues muff be judged not by a &ions, but by ends ; & unbeleeversdo nothing to aright end. Again,(faith he) There is no good work, where here is no faith. C4TAP.