598 An Expofition upon Chap.15 CHAP. XV. DIALOGUE Verf. 1, 2, 3. We which areflrong ought to bear tie infirm(~ ties ofthe weai,,and not to pleafe our (elves. Therefore, let every one pleafe his neighbour in that which is good to edification, for ChrL a fo would not pleafe himfelf, but as it is written, the rebukes of them which re- bulked thee, fell on me. TI MOTtiEus. Order end parts of the Char: ter. Hat-Coherence bath this Chap- ter with the former, and of what parts cloth it fl? Al- fa what h the Contents and fummr of this Chapter ? S 1 L. Aftera grave exhortation in Chapter 04. unto throng Chri(lians which were confirmed in the Doârine of the word,to apply ti:emfelves to Each as were weak in knowledge, by taking from them matter of offence by the un- timely tile of their liberty in things in different : Now in the 15. Chapter, he fo knitteth and ( hutteth up that perfwa- fioit, as he pafleth from the particular to the general,exhorting the fronger fort lovingly to btar with the weakneffes of their brethren in all thole things; wherein they have need to be fuppor- ted; after Chrifis own example, who out of his deep love fitccoured both Tew and Gentile: After this done,he ex eufethhimfelf for writing unto therm with loch freedomeof speech, (hewing that he did that for good ends, and ac- cording his office of an Apostle, which he erily and greatly magnifirs. Then he promifeth to come unto them, 'telling them what had letted him hi- therto, namely, his weighty bufinesfe; and a charge put upon him by the Chur- ches, to carry al mes to the poor Saints at Jerufalem. Laftly, he earneftly reque- fleth their prayers to God for him. Thefe be the Contents of this prelent Chapter, and Coherence with the for- mer. Now the parts of the whole Chap- ter be two. Firft,an exhortation,conti- nued to flirre them up unto Chriflian love, patience, and concord, unto verle 14. Secondly.the conclufion of the Epi- ftle, which containeth three things. Firft,an Apologie of his writing,to ver. 22. Secondly,a promise of his coming, unto verf.3o. Thirdly, a petition for their prayer, unto the end of the Chap. T 1 M. What is the fcopeof our Text ? S 1 L. To perfwade brotherly chari- ty towards the weak, to bear with all their infirmities both in faith and manners. This duty of charity, is first propounded in two precepts. The fi ftz to bear with the infirm : the feccnd, not to pleafe our (elves. This is negatively fet down, the other affirmatively. In the other three verses following, he confirmeth his precept by two tea- fens : one by the end ofour gifts, which is, to firengthen the weak, verf. 2. the other is from the faa of Christ, who pleafed not himfelf, but us in bearing our infirmities, which is proved by a Teftimony out of Pfal 69.9. and verf. 3. And left this authority might Teem not to be fitly alledged, or to belong 'to us,tberefore in verl4. he layeth out the generali ufe of Scriptures to be for our learning and life. T 1 M.Interpret the words, and tellus what is meant byfrong andweak; Alfa by infirmi- ties, and: bearing with them. S I L. Strong or mighty, fignifies Chriflians of better knowledge and more pure life, firth as were better taught, and of greater holine(fe. Note that he putteth himfelfinto the number of the flrong[ We,] not out of ambition, but in truth as it was (for hehad extra= ordinary gifts and revelations) to let himfelf for an example of his own do- &tine, the better to move others to do that which they perceived him to do before