boo An Expofition upon Chap. 15 himfelf with contempt of others, to foreflow what may be profitable unto others, being altogether given to attend that that pleafeth our felves. For firti, this is againft the nature of charity, which teeketh not her own things, r Cor. 13.5. Again it is contrary to the pra &ife of blared Paul, who pleafed not himfelf, that he might profit and pleafe others, 1 Cor. 9. 19, zo, 21. and 10. 33. T 1 M. But what reafons doth the text afford uswhy we fhouldfatisfie and pleafe our neighbour as well as our felves ? S I L. One is from the end why God hath given more knowledg and grea- ter gifts unto fome : which is the good and edification of our weak neighbours, (that is, to make them ftronger and better in faith and piety) therefore hath God given to fome greater and more graces,to dire& and fupport fuch as have fewer and Iefl'er. As in a naturall body, the gifts of the molt excellent parts are given them to condu& and comfort the more feeble members. T 1 m. What is the ufe to be made of this leffon? S 1 L. Fill}, to exhort the thong, as they defire not to miffe of the right end and ufe of their gifts, in all meekneffe and love to accommodate themfelves to the more ignorant,to inftru& and amend them. Alto it warnes the weaker, not to look that others do condefcend and yeeld unto then further then will tend to their good and edification either to bring than to Ch rift, if fo be they ftrayed from him, or to confirme them in his faith and religion, if they Rand and abide in the truth. T t m. Come to the argument taken from Chrifis example verle 3,What is meant by not plealieg himfelf ? S o L. Here is an (Ellipfis) it would be fupplyed thus : not himfelf but us, (and not us, but his father.) The mea- ning is, he fpared not himfelf, to doe good to others, he refufed no fhame nor fmart to procure us eternall cafe and glory : being in his eftate poor, in his name reviled, rayled on : in his bo- dy whips, !pierced, wounded, crucified : in his foul filled with anguifh, forrow, heavineffe, aftonifhment, horrour : he being Lord of all,yet fervant to all,mofl blefl"ed, yet made a curie for finners. This was foretold in Pfal. 69.9. which to be well fitted to Chrift, appeareth by comparing this text with job. z. 07. By rebukes or blafphemies are meant not onely reproachfull words caft upon God, which no leffe grieved Chrift then if they had been laid upon himfelf, his Fathers contumelies were as grie- vous to him as his own : But by a Synecdoche of the part, one hainous fin of blafphemy or reproach is put for all kinde of finnes, which are fo many contumelies, reproches, and ignominies againff the Majefty of God: thefe all fell upon Chrilt by the eternall decree of his Father, who fo appointed it 1 Pet. 1. 20. and the voluntary obedience of the Sonne fo willing to have it, fo fubmitting to his Fathers pleafure and command Phil. 2.S. He had all the finnes of all the ele& in the world laid upon him alone, that he as a common pledge and furety might bear them, and by bearing be made a propitiatory facrifice to purge them and fatisfie Gods juftice for them, as it is written, Efay 53. 4, 5, 6,7.The iniquities of us all were laid on him, alto Job. r. 29. This is the Lambe of God that taketh away the finnes of !, theiworld, alto yob.' o.15. He laid down'I his life a ranfome, 1 Pet. z. 24. He bare our finnes, &c. which is all one with our text, verfe 3. The rebukes of thee fell on me. T 1 at. What is our doElrine from hence ? S o L. That Chrft in Scripture is let out not only as a redeemer, but as an example ofgood life, as of beneficence, 2 Cor. 8. 9.0f forgiving trefpaffes Ephef. 4.'33. Of ntutuall love, Ephef.' 5.2 3. Of a free and confiant confeflion, 1 Tim. 6. 13. and z Tim. z, S. Of fuffering the Croffe, Heb. 12.2. Of fidelity in his fun - &ion, Heb. 3. z. Ofineekneffe, t Pet. 2. 21. and 3. ¡8. Oflowlineffe, Phil. z. 5. and in our text of patience and charity in bearing reproaches. Our Lefton then hence is, that it is Cbriflians duty to tread in the ftepsof their SaviourChrift, and