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Vert: 4. the-Epiftle to the Romans. and walke as he gave example, a yob. 2.5. For we are unworthy to be counted Chritians, if we profeffe him in Name, and be not like him in workes. If he be our Lord indeed, like worthy fervants we mutt fir ive to do as he gives us exam - ple, Soh. 13. 15. TIM. What rife to be made aphis point ? S s L. This reproves filch as will protefttheybeleeve in Chrift, and are his fervants and followers, yet do not conforme their a &ions after his pat - cerne, never thinking to live as Chrifi lived; forgetting and negle&ing fuch a perte& and noble prefident, to whom the more nearer men doe come in holi- neffe and love, more like they be to God, and nearer unto perfc &ion. Alin it condemnes fuch heretickes, as made of him but an exemplary Saviour, to give us example to live fo, as we may . at latt come to falvation.For he is fo to us a patterne,as he is our High-Prieft too : he fuffered, and by his paines and death redeemed finners , giving himfelfe a price, his blond a ranfome, to Pet free tùch as were under fin,death,and Satan. By our Text it is plain, that then he became an expiration to cleanfe our greateft finnes, even our blafphemies (not leffer ftnnes only, ) when he alto (hewed forth a worthy example of lo- ving and patience, who being Creator and King ofglory, yet bari fo much and heavy things, would teach as (being his fervants and creatures) to bear a little, and force fmaller matters in our neigh- bour. Let us tbamewith our mouth to call him Lord and our Redeemer,except we finde our hearts willing to do as he hath done. Nor ever let us look to have him our Saviour, except we make him our Samplet. Dietoouz IL Verf. 4,5,6, 7,8i9, I 0,1 I,t 2,15. Fer rehatfsever things were written afore time, were written for our learning,that we through patience and comfort of Scripture, might have Hope. Now the God of patience and confolatisa, grant you to be like minded 6o1 one towards another in aril! Jejus, that ye may with one accord and one mindeg ío i- fie God, even the Father of our Lord 'je tcs Chrifl. Wherefore receive ye one an: r. :r, as Chroff alto received ut unto the glory of God. TI MOTH ëus. sHew what be the parts Of this Text, then interpret the wordsof every verfe with the dolfrine and ufe of them. S I L. This Text containeth firtt, a fierce obje &ion with the anfwer. "the Objection is thus : Yea, buc the place in the Plat. belongs to David,or Chrifl,and not to us. Unto n hick. he anlwereth, that it is a bad confequence. For it fo concerneth them, as it was delivered to writing for our learning al lo.So condly, a petition unto God for unity or agree- ment in doarine and wits, verfes 5, 6. Thirdly, the firfl exhortation in voile s. is rehearfed with the two new argu- ments from Chrifis example,ve.7.which example is applyed firfl to the Jewsv.S. then to the Gentiles, v. 9, r0, &c. whole vocation is proved by many Oracles of Scripture, unto vent 3. T I M. Now returne to verfe 4. what is meant by things written afore time, and what ufes ferve they ? S I L. The Bookes of the old Teffa- ment: Mofes, Pfalmes, and Prophets. The ufes to which they were ordained, are particularly many, but generally two. Fir ft, do&aine or learning, twhìch is the foundation or root, whereon the other fruitsdo reti and grow. Secondly, life or pia&ife of manners, as (patience) by which Christians in their warfare and Wreftling againft their enemies, areart. wed and enabled to endure without be- ing broken in mind,or faintingthrough evils. The next is Confolation, which ftayeth their mind in the full confidence of Gods atliftance, and a good iffue., Thirdly Hope, which is an expo&ation of heavenly glory. There he other ends of Scripture; as to work all graces, to reprove,to exhort,to convia : but thefe be the chief named here; to confirme men