Verf. 4. the Epiffle to tbe Romans. ments carnali oftentation, placing ei- ther themfelves or other men, (a thing too common, and common (that is un- clean) even a great and horrible pol- lution of the facred word, toaccom- modate it to fuch prophane purpofes) but to the edifying of the hearers in faith and piety, to that end denying themfelves, and delivering the word in that fimplicity in which it was left us by the holy Ghoft. T z at. What other thing do we learn from ibis 4. verfe ? S z L. The difference between the patience, comfort, and hope of the Heathens, Papifts,Worldlings, and true Chriftians, who have thefe graces from the do&rine and faith of Scriptures, which is the mother and Wellfpring of them. Chriftians therefore be patient, comfortable,and hopeful', becaufe they beleeve the do&rine, which teacheth God to be the author of affliEtions, (not fortune or the will of men :) and that as the caufes be jufl and equall to correct, humble,and morti fie his children,fo the iffue will be glorious, in declaration of his own fpeciall goodneffe and power, helping in extremities, and working for beft to his, and for the advancement of the eternal' falvation of his own, accor- ding to his own promifes , and the ex- perience of innumerable Saints, (as in Abraham, lob, David, and Ch rifts cafe ) which by proof have found how faith- ful and good God is in hischaftifements, do&rines,examples,and promifes,being their worthy pillars. Whereas all unbe- leevers, whatfoever'hew of thefe graces they make yet they are but meere fhadowes, having ( for the ground of patience) their own naturali reafon and carnali refpe &s. But of thefe three graces,and the general ufe of Scriptures, read more on the Dial. on Rom. 4. 23. and 5. 3,4,5.6. T I I. Proceed to verfe 5. the fecond part of our text, and tell as what [God of Patience and comfort] meaneth, and what we are to learn from this Prayer of the A- pofile ? S t L. As he is called in the next Chapter, verfe 20. God of Peace, fo here 603 he is called God of patience and com- fort; becaufe he is the author, approver, 1 and rewarder of patience, hope, and comfort. And from this prayer we are to learn , that howfoever patience , hope, and Chriflian confolation, doe come CO us by the meanes of Scripture inftrumentally, yet eff Cually they are from God,as Father of lights, and giver of every good gift, Jam. o. I 7. Which mutt warn both Preachers in expoun- ding, and Chriftian profeffors in hea- ring Scriptures (renouncing all affiance in their own eloquence, capacity, fharpneffe of judgement or wit) to pray unto God earneftly, after the example of humble Devid,Pjal. r 9. Lord teach me, Lord give me underflandO; Lord open mine eyes, & c. to make his word effica- cious and powerful], to work in their hearts fuch graces as it commends and exhorts unto. For Paul which planteth, and Apollo. which watereth, be nothing, but God which giveth the encreafe, I Car .3.6.Herein is the caufe,that many without all fruit ; nay with much hill t, do finely Scriptures : becaufe they leek not to God by faithfull hearty prayer for his bleffing; as if the worke done, would make them beleevers and good followers. T o Al. What is the thing in this 5. reife pzayed for ? S t L. It is agreement or confent in wits and affe&ions, each defiring and feeking others good and edifying, as verfe 2. for it is God alone that makes men to be of one minde : of which con- cord, Chrift Jefus is made the glue, ce- ment, and band As all meanes of peace without God are in vain, fo all agree- ment which is not founded on Chrifts Faith and religion,is rather confpiracy, then a concord ; like to the agreement of Simeon and Levi, brethren in evil!, Gen. 49.5. or of Action and Achito- phel, banding again it David. Such is the agreement of Heretickes, Idolaters, Pa- pifts,Turkes,Jewes,Pagans, and wicked men, which meet in malice to do mil- chief, not in charity to build one ano they. Of this matter, fee Dial. in Rom.' 2. 16. Ió. Fff Ttm.