604 A o ataón upon Chap. 4 n Ex pf p P 5, T rM. What dotbthe6: verse teach us? heminiftred by preaching and dying to s a L. That the union of Chriflians performe the truth of God, that is, múí1 bein profelfion outward, as well as that he might be found true, who had inward in affg &ion,in mind and mouth. promifed unto their Fathers, Iftac and Alto that fuck unity is the rather to be Jacob, &c.to fend them a Mellìas. And fe- embraced with all readineffe, becaufe it condly,into Gen tiles,upon and towards tendeth to the praife ofGod,whofe plea- whom he fulfilled the mercies meant fare and honour it-is, when his children then ofGod, and mentioned in fundry live lovingly and peaceably, as it is his Teftimonies which are here fit down difhonour greatly, that fuch as be called till verfe a 3. brethren and children to God, do hate T a M. Now with like brevity obferve the and ftrive one with another. chief do£lriues which arife from the 8. verfe T ant. Give us a brief touch of the 7. to the 13. verfe? S a L. Firlt, we have a fingular S t L. To receive, lignifies charitably example of rare humility in Chrift,wha to judge, patiently to bear, lovingly to being the Sonne of God equal! to his affea one er,that is, the weak the Father, yet by taking our nature, tub_ firong, antftrong the weak. Thisi je &ing himfelfe to circumcifion and the particle [ ] note th quality , not whole Law, by his diligent teaching, equality; for what proportion between miracle- working, his paffion pain full Chrifis infinite love and the finite, and reproachfull, his refurre&ionviEio- charityof men ? The fincerity then is rious, did minifter unto the jewes his pointed at not the degree and meafure, enemies : being made their fervant as in Job. a 7.2 a . and Mattb. 6. a 2.1n the whole Lord he was, yet fervant to all lafi words of this 7. verfe, lyeth an ar- being Lord of all.4hich fhould admo- gument perfwafory from the more unto nifh us of his love to mankinde, for the leffe, thus ; If Chrift received us whofeloveand fake he was fo abated, unto the glory of bis father ( even tot coming not to be miniftred unto,but make us partakers of fo great a benefit as to minifler : fo ofour duty in bearing of glory and immortality in heaven) the fame minde as he did, refuting no with his Father : ( this is the better fervice how fervill or abje& foever, to fenfe then to fay, that Chrift either pro- expreffe zeal ,to God or our Brethren, pounded his Fathers glory as his end Pfal. 2. 5, 6,7. Secondly, Chrift may be whereby he received' us, or that we a pattern as of lowlineffe to all, fo of fhould receive one another for the glo- diligence and fidelity to Minitiers of the rifying of God : which both are true, word,whofedignity hands not in titles, but not fo fit as this, that he did love us folemnities, robes, pompes, proceffions, fo farce, as to make us partakers of his papali Maffing, &c. but in teaching the Fathers glory) therefore it followes, people conftantly, and foundly; alto in that much more we fhould receive one fervent prayer for them, and example of another to peace and concord; which an holyblameleffe life: for thus Chrift is the fruit of our receiving to the be- in his own perfon miniftred to the Jews nefit of his : and therefore it he did fuch and afterwards to the Gentiles by his things to enemies, how fhould not we Apoftles. be ready Of we will approveour felves Thirdly, here is a proof of that glo- good Chriftians) to receive friends and rions property of God, (to wit) his Brethren ? truth, that he is molt true and faithful! T a M. How doth Paul proceed in verfe 8, of his word, namely becaufe fuch pro- taverfe 13? miles as upon the fall he made to Adam S i t. Paul proveth, that Chrift path touching the womans feed, and after- received us in this excellent manner, by warns to the Patriarchs, concerning the a diftribution of [ ue ] into the Jewes fame to come out of their loynes, to (meant here by circumcifion) to whom make all Nations bleff'ed, were in due time