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Vert. 14. the Epiffle to the Romans. time accomplilhed by fending Chril}, born of a j úre Virgil, to be a com- mon Saviour of ele& Jewes and Gen- tiles. Let this move all Chriffians to put confidence in him, being fo merciful! and true who will not deceive. Second- ly, to imitate hisproperties,being faith - full in their words,bargaines,covenants, vowes, and promifes. Thirdly,to praife and magnifie him for his free and gra- cious calling of us Gentiles to the grace ofChrifl ; whereof unleflè he had made us truely partakers, we could neither celebrate and confeffe him, as it was forelpoken of by David, Pfal. lo. 5o. 2 Stan. 22. Neither rejoyce together with his own Nation the Jewes, called by the Gofpell, as was forefaid, Dent. 32. 45. Nor have praifed God as we are commanded, Pfal. 1 17.1. Nor have hoped or put our trufi in hint, as pay r s.1 o. except he had become our Savi- our and Redeemer : To whom there- fore for his unfpeakeable mercies in vi- fiting the Gentiles,and being their light, be all joyful praife and thanks in all the Churches of c!i e Saints. DIALoons III. Verf. i4,15. Now the God ofpeace, fill you with all joy and peace in beleeving, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the holy Ghofl. And I my fel f am perfwaded of you brethren, that ye alfo are full of goodnefre, filled with all knowledge, able alto to admonifb one another : now therefore brethren I have written unto you fomewhat more boldly in form fort, as putting you in mindeof the Bare which is given me of God. T I M o T u s u s. SHew ut what is done in theje verfes, be- ginne with the r 3. and fo go onto the verfer following. S t L. In the 13. verfe Paul fini - fheth his exhortatory fpeech touching love and concord among!! the Romans, with a (bort pithy prayer ; wherein he fo declareth his ardent delire of their falvation,as withal! he infinuateth that neither they could performe by any power oftheir own what he had mo- ved them unto, nor yet he finable them to do what he taught : BLit of all his in- firu&ion the futceffe depended wholly in Gods biding and help : and there- fore but requilite that Sermons and ex- hortations fhould begin and end with prayer to God, as to affili fpeaker and hearer to doe their duties well, fo to make all profperous when they have done. In Ceeking and filing to God alone, it fo checket the invocation of creatures, alit teacheth the faithfilll to refort to God alone for every good gift. God alone cloth both know and fulfill the delires of his children and it is an honour peculiar to him to be trolled in and called on, Pfal. 50. 15. The mat- ter of his prayer is that whereinhe Paid, Chap. 14. verfe 17. That the lingdoree of God flood: fo now he prayeth not, That they might be filled with meateS and drinkes, but with peace with God, in themfelves, towards their brethren ; and joy, that is, encreafe of peace, even fpirituall gladneffe of the heart, freed from terrors of Gods wrath, and chea- ted with the fenfe of Gods love in Chriff, and hope of-glory. [ All joy ] fignifieth folid and firme joy, filch as laffeth ; not like the vanifhing joy of worldlings, who rejoyce in profperity, and are fad, even heavy to death in cala- mity, as Jonas gourd grew in the day, and dyed in the night : but durable joy which will not be taken away or quen- ched with the flfarpefl croffes. Of this peace and joy, he noteth the true caucs and neaten (to wit) Faith,or the righte- oufneffeofFaith,a litre ground of all Chrifjanpeace and comfort; and Hope, which is a lure expe &ation of all good things needfull for us, and namely of eternal! life.Ofwhich infallible expeéta- don, the mercies and truth of the Fa- ther, the regeneration of the Spirit, the merits of the Sonne, be both the faun- mine and props. Note further, that of there graces he lets down the highell cattle, the holy Ghofi, by whole power (that is) mighty working,they are given F f f 2 and 6ói