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6o6 An Expofitton upon Chap. 15 and encreafed unto a great meafure , S I L. Firth, it reproves fuch as 4lfe which is here exprefly begged, [ God fill fweate and take paines to thrive in the you, and that you may abound in all joy,] world, but do not fo to thrive in grace: T I M. What is the Doctrine of this 14. Such alto as ref} in beginnings, and co- verfe thus interpreted and analyzed ? vet not perfe &ion : Alto fuch as got S t L. The firf} is, that it is God alone backwards and fall away. And encou- in whom Chriffians are to fix all their rageth all Chriftians, by all good means hope and truft : for he is called the God of reading, meditation, hearing, prayer, of Hope,not only with refpe& to the 12. and conference, keeping a good con- verfe,or for that he is the author ofHope, fcience, by right ufe of the Lords Sup- engendting all lively hope, as he is ter- per,to labour after encreafe in fpirituall med God of patience, 1 Pet. s. 3. but things. efpecially for that he is the obje& of T 1 M, What is the loll thing whlch we hope,being he in whom alone all hope is learn from this 13. verfe ? to be placed, and that for theft Keafons. S 1 L That faith is the parent of hope, Firft, God not only commands to troll and both together bring forth found in him alone, but threatneth a curie to peace and joy, and of them all the holy Inch as have hope and affiance in men, Ghoft is head, caule, and worker. And I Tim. 6. 17. Jer.17.5. Secondly, exam- laffly, the Paf}ors muff pray effe&ualJj pies of holy Patriarchs and Kings which for their people. hoped in God,and were not confounded T I M.PaJJe to the I4..verfe, what obferve but delivered. Our Fathers truffed in God, yox thereinfor edification ? and were laved (faith David.) Thirdly, S I L. Paul paflèth forwards to the God betides his mercies, fidelity, and conclufion of this Epif}le, wherein omnipotency, hach infinit means to foc- fir(} he praifeth them verfe 14. and then cour his which relye on him. Therefore defendeth his writing to them, verfe 13. let all men truth f}rongly in God, and From his commendations of them,Mi- renounce all other hopes, either Popifh 'lifters and others learn, that we are in their now merits (a rotten poll to not alwayes to exhort and reprove our truth in)or worldly,as in horfes,friends, hearers, there is a time for praifes alto ; riches,&c. which are but vain things to namely, when the parties upon our fave a man, Pfal. 20.7. knowledge deferve praife. Secondly, T I M. What is the Jecend dolerine from when the thing praifed is excellent. this 13. verfe ? DòbJrine. Doter ins. Thirdly, if the perfons be capable, (to S I L. That godly Chriftians mull wit) fuch as will not bepuffid up there - labour after the greatefh 'mature of by, but excited more to their duty. faith, hope,peace,joy,and other graces: Fourthly, when Gods praife is chiefly never contenting themfelves with any aymed at without bate flattery, then it portion, till they be filled and do a- h wifedome to priafe; for praife is a bound. Thereafon is, becaufe fuch is fpurrein the praifedtopiety, and wit - Gods will, elfe Paul would not have as- neffeth the charity of the praifer. Our kedfùlnefle and aboundanceofGod. As Apofile might have beene thought to covetous men never thinke they have have been fharpe, confidering former Gold enough, fo let Gods childe never and round admonitions, and fomewhat thinke he ha th graces enough : for he is fufpicious of the Romans, having fo bound to wax fpiritually,as plants and fervently and often prayed for them,as young children do naturally, and the if all had not been well, but farce a- more grace he hath, the more and better miffe, but by his pretend pralles, he fery ice (hall he do to his God. Alto, it is quickens them to godlineffe, and quit - a ligne of Caving grace, when it growes teth himfelfe from unifier and unchari- and abounds. table fufpicion, whole example is to be T 1 M. What ufe is to be made of this followedof Minuets and other Chri- do&rine ? loans. TIZ.1.