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Vert. 14,15. the Epifileto the Romans. 6o7 T r tu But what is the fubjet2 or matter cl hia praife which i. egiveth the Romans ? S r L. After he had lovingly fainted them by name of Brethren , to inti- mate his own love, and incite theirs, he fhewes that he fpake not by heare- fay or any idle report, but of a firong perfwafion, grounded only upon the profeffion and effects of their Faith, which was very famous throughout the Chriftian world,Rom.1. 8.Then he prai- feth them in three refpe &s: Firft, be- caufe of their great goodneffe, [ Full of goodneffe,] that is, enriched with piety towards God and man, and namely, with mercy and kindneffe towards the brethren. Secondly, their excellent faith and skilfuinefíe in divine things, where- in they had attained fuck a perteftion. (not abfolute which had no want, for then they needed not mutuall admoni- tion, but fuch as in this life may beat- tained unto in comparifon of others : ) they were perfe& in knowledge [All knowledge,] but far from that.perfe &ion which is now, and fhall be among the celefliall fpirits at the laft, 1 Cor.13.7,8, &c.The third part of their praife; is abi- lity or gift to admonifh each other,being as fo many Monitors or Mailers, fuch as could fee what was convenient to. be done,(a wife mans part) and put others in minde of their duty. , T 1 M. What is our doíiriue from thefe . words thus expounded ? S a L. That it is a duty very praife- worthy in a Chrifl:ian, to, be able and willing to give. admonition. The Rea - fons hereof are, firfi it declareth our o- bedience unto God requiring it, Levit. 19.17. t thef.5.I a.Secondly,our charity towards the Brethren, which want ad- monition, whereby they are preferved from fin and defttu &ion, and Wonne to righteoufneffe and falvation if they hearken and obey, Matth. 18. 15.which made David defirous to tick it,Pfal. 1 ¢1. 5.Thirdly,it is one of the right and holy tires of our underfianding and wifedome in the word to apply it to the warning of others,asCo!. 3. 16. Such then as can- not, or lift not, or care not to admonifh others, lofe a fpeciall praife, bewraying want of the fear of God,and of love to men : and fuch as do admonifh,let them go forwards, the more chearfully, the more commendable this duty is, which Paul had not fo plaided but that it is much to be efleenoed and exercifed. T 1 AL. What are we to learn further from verfe t4 ? S 1 L. That there be' two graces behoovefull to them , who tha11 well diCcharge this duty of admonilhing, The firft is goodneffe , the fecond is knowledge; for without goodneffe or integrity of life our admonitions will be of no force, whilil it may be Paid to us, Phyfttian heal thy felfe, and, Hypocrite plucloe the beam out of thine own eye. Se- condly, when a man himfelfe is blame- able, he cannot freely and boldly ad- monifh another t fee Rom. 2. 21, 22. Thirdly , he that would have hope of doing good in reproving others, had need to be unreproveable, elle what hope bath he that God will bleffe his admonitions ? The other grace required hereto, ; is a good meafure of know- ledge to guide us to fee and know wherefore to admonifh ; and when, and where, and whom;and by whom, our felves or others ; and in what manner, out of love and pity, roughly or milde- ly, dire&ly or indire&ly, openly or pri- vately; and to what end, and how long, till we have hope, that we call not pearles before Swine; and in what words, even in the words of Scripture, for they have moll authority, and there is no exceptions again if them. To thefe purpofes it is no mean wifedome will ferve : therefore Paul rcquireth in fuch . as fhall admonifh their brethren, that theword of God dwell richly in them in all (that is,much and manifold)wiCe- dome, Col 3. 16. And if to this one du- ty, fuck and fo great skill, be needfull, then judge what caufe there is for Chri- flians to fearch and Rudy the Scriptures diligently and religioufly, having fo many other more weighty offices to doe in their;generall and particular cal- lings. T 1 m. What ufe are we to mare of this truth ? Fff 3 Sri..