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Verí. 16,17. the Lpif#letotbe Romans. 6o9 rance, or convi&ing our errors, or in- forming us in duties; or reproving our vices, or comforting cow faint- hearted- neffe , yet herein were caufe enough .why to love and ufe affemblies where the word is preached, to have our re- membrances flirred up. As David blef- fed Abigail, for remcmbring him, and Peter wept when he remembred his fall by the crowing óf a bird : fo it is every ones duty to embrace and bleffe God and his Minifters, for this office done to them. DIA LOGUE I V. Vert 16,17,18,19,20,21. That I fhould be the Min¡fter of yefue Ch riff to the Gentiles, miniftring the Gofpell of God, that the offerin4 rep of the Gentile., might be acceptable, being fan£iifredby the holy Ghoft: I have therefore whereof I may glory through jefusChrift,in thole things which appertain to God, &c. T I MOT HE U S.. doth the Apofile proceed in theft H Ow verfes, and what connexion have they with the former ? S 1 L. Having maintained his bold writing to the Romans by an argument drawn from his Apoftolicallfun &ion, ( which being gracioufly bellowed on him, as verfe 15. impofed upon him a neceffity to write freely and boldly to them, being a part of his charge:) Now in thefe prefent verfes he defcribeth and magnifieth his Minifiry fundry wayes, to make it gracious and glorious to the Romans, and other beleevers : and firft, it is let forth by the authority of is ; the author ofit is God or Ghrift Jefus, who immediately and extraordinarily called him, All. 9. 3, 4. to be his fervant, Gal. 1. r. and his publick Miniiier : Not as Magiftratesbe, Rom. r3. 6. but to mini- fter the Gofpell, whereof God is the author; to give attendance unto holy things, and to work in the holy fervice of the Gofpell, towards the Gentiles, (as Peter was injoyned to doe towards the Jewes.) Which maketh much to the commendation of his fun&ion, that he enjoyed it with a large commillion, as to preach to all the Gentiles, and al- fo to have the [Gofpell] that is, the glad tidings of peace and good things to be the fubjea of his preaching, as the Gen- tiles were the objea of it : but herein efpecially his nriniflry was exalted, that the cleft faithfull Gentiles were as a fa- crifice offered by him unto God, and the Gofpell as it were the facrificing knife, himfelfe as an holy Priefi to kill, to cleanfe and to offer (not butts) but faithful! men unto God.And tinally,the oblation or facrificing to be his prea. ching,doarine,and admonitions,for the converfion of fouls thorow the Spirit, fanaifying and changing the hearts of the ele&, among the heathen. T 1 M. What art we so learn by this comparifon or likeneffe between the Mini - fiery of the Gofpell, and Levitical! Pricti- hood? S 1 L. Fief}, it warnes us of the great dignity of theMinilery, that it is fanai- fied and confecrated unto fuch an holy end as the converfion of fanners : which as it is the ggreateft good, fo the fun lion which efleaeth it muff be of fingular worthinefle : Let men honour it as they love falvation. Secondly, hence we learn, that God is much delirous of, and greatly delighted with the falvation of men, for that he doth account it for a very acceptable facrifice or offering. Which fhould ferve not a little to en- courage both Preachers and profeffors with exceeding joy of heart to travaile, the one in preaching and Petting it forth; the other in hearing and receiving the word of God, being imployed in fuch a fervice fo pleating to God, fo profitable to themfelves. Thirdly,we are taughthere,thatas the Sacrifices of the Law were then pleating unto God, when they were pure and offered up according to rites of the Law; fo Chrilians do become an acceptable facrifice through the fanaifying of the holy Ghofi, working repentance from their finnes, and induing them with a lively faith, that being pute acrd holy, they might pleafe God through Chrift. Though