Verí.16,17. the Epifile to the Romans. the world. Laflly, it reproveth fuch as wrought in biin,and done by hi:ni in the by difobedience and unprofitableneffe, funft ion. of his Apofflef}.ip: Hence we do grieve their Miniflers, whole heavi- nefre is the peoples unhappineffe, Heb. 13. 17. Secondly, we learn that Mini - fiers in their rejoycing mull retain this modefiy, as not to be puffed up with their gifts, or to defpife others whom God doth not fo grace and bleffe, but ever to remember they are but Organs and infiruments of Chrifl,to effe& what he will do by them, 1 Car. 4. s. All the force working in the confcience is of Chrift, who both ordained the Mini - fiers, and furnifhed them with gifts and zeal, and bleffeth their endevours. The third inflru &ion is, that the fub- je& of their minifiry be [the things of God,] that is, his fervice, Beb. 5. 1. A Minifter is a middle perfon between the people and God, to report Gods will to them,and to offer and utter their prayers to God, to preach from God glad tidings of peace and good things ; and on the other fide to bring the peo- ple to God. We will attend theword and prayer , Al. 6.4. Miniters be the mouth of God to open his minde , and of the peoples to put up their requeft : thus their fervice is wholly about the foule. The reafon is, that as Chrifts kingdome is not of this world, fo his Minders are over the people in things not belonging 'to this world, but to the Lord, ¡Thef.5. 12. Henceis a jolt re- proof to fuch;as negle&ing to imploy themfelves in the things of God (which are the things proper to their calling,) do fpend it in following their carnali pleafures, or worldly profit,doing no- thing leffe, then that whereunto they be Do&rine,that he may be able in a good of God ordained and elated of his meafure to teach truths,and to confute the gainfayer, Tit. 1.9. Secondly,exam- ples of life and manners to Thine as a light, Matth. 5. as Chrifi both Paid and did,Ael. 1. r. Fure hence from this calling be all Inch, which are given to theic cafe and commodity, be either fcandalous in life, or tenable and unwilling to teach and labour in do&rine and doing good. Let fuch know as have their tongue or hand lame and maimed, andbe defeetive in learn, as the duty of Paftors , to ac- knowledge the whole fruit of their minifiry to come from Chrifi as author. Paul which planteth is nothing, but Chrift which giveth the increalé: fo . the deity of Christ, that he is true and very God, whole foul and only worke it is to make the preaching effeauall, to bow mens hearts ( naturally stony and obfiinate) to become pliable to the do. &rifle of the Gofpell to receive it by faith, which is the chiefeft obedience, andmother of all obedience in prailife and converfation : but Chrift did this by the miniftry of Paul, as here he con -, feffeth. Therefore, he is the true and mighty God which changeth the hearts yea, even of the Gentiles, per- i vetfe dolaters and wholly eílrangec from God and goodneffe. To make chele by faith and obedience to embrace the Gofpell, mutt needs argue in Chrift which did it, an omnipotency and di- vine verme. For to given new heart and a new:fpirit,is Gods prerogative royal], Ezek.36. 26. Moreover , inafmuch as Chrifl wrought in Paul by two means [w.rdt] that is, publick preachings, private ex- horration,difputing, Epiftles, and wri- tings : and fecondly [deedr] that is, his great labour and travaile, his godly life, his many and manifold miracles, i Car. 15. to. it affords this Do&rine; That there be two notable fignes and markes of a faithfull Minifter ofChrift, and two elpeciall meanes whereby he may benefit the flocke of Chrift. First, Church, whole end will be fearful 1, by the Parable of the evil! fervant in the Gofpell, which in his Matters abfence, gave himfeif to fenfuaiity, and forgot his proper fervice. T 1 M. Front the 18.verfewhatdotlrirret colleliye ? S 1 t. Firfl , whereas Paul made a religion and confcience, as one that nei- ther would nor could fpeak of ought [I dare not,] which Chrift had not 1