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612 An Expofi in words or deeds,that they are fo much fhort of that they ought to be. Alto let loch people fee, that they have God come fo much the nearer to them, and have the more means to draw neer to him, or to be left without all excufe, whofoever enjoy teaching and working Pallors which build with both hands. Some alledge for defence of their igno- rance or wickedneffe, that their Minifler. is ignorant and teacheth them not. O- thers, that their guides, though Peeing ones,yetoffenlive ones, fay and do it not:but fuch have no exception at all to make, whole Pafiors (peak and worke, and give light by found do &rine and godly life. T i mt.Doye note in the words or matter of the r 9,20,21. verler, ought to our edification in piety ? S r r.. In the words 1 note, that the greateft workes which Paul did worke, are called by two names. Firft, [Signes,] becaufe they ferve to thew and prove his calling and do &rine to be ofGod ; and therefore, fuch as ought to be reverently received and fubmit- ted unto. Secondly, [wonders or mira- cles] drawing,or farther driving men to admiration and wondering, by the flrangeneffe of them , becaufe they exceeded both courte of nature, and capacity of underltanding. And it is uluall with men to wonder at things which be above reafon or nature. Alf() the word [might, or power] in the firft place, fignifies the efficacy, which there great workes had in the hearts of the Gentiles before whom they were done ; and in the latter place, it declareth the chiefcaufe of that efficacy; to wit, the might of the holy Spirit, working with the Apo[ile. T r mt. What are we to learn from hence? What matter of inffrrtllions in the fe words thus opened? S r t.. That in the beginning of the Gofpell, when the Do&rine thereof was yet new, unwonted, or unknown, and the Church yet being as a tender plant, or as a childe in the Cradle, it pleafed God to accompany the pub- Wiling of his truth, with the gift of tzon upon Chap.' working miracles, the better to coun- tenance and confirme both do &rine and the Church, Mara` 16. zo. Thefe tokens and wonders which at the firfl did ratifie the Do &rine, (as fealcs efta- blifh covenants) are flill to this day of force to give credit to the fame do- &vine (taught now in the reformed Churches) to be divine and from hea- ven. So as he which without a miracle will not now beleeve it, (when all the world belceveth it) he himfelfe may be accounted a wonder. We do ufe to water plants when they are newly Pet and but tender ; afterwards being grown up to be trees, we craft then to water them ; fo the Church and du- &rineofgrace, when it was new, nee- ded confirmation by miracles ; but now it is grown old and tin iverfally received, there is is no tech ufe of mira- cles. Let us rather fufpe& the Popifh religion to be the new Religion, and their Church no Church of Chrift, be- caufe they build the truth and credite thereof upon wonders, which are no perpetual) nor effentiali notes of true Prophets and true Church, but com- mon to all Prophets both falle and true, See Deut. 13. 1,2. Matth.2g. 24. 2 The'. 2.9. and Revel. 13.13. Falli Prophets, fall Chrifis, yea, that Antichrifh (hall be permitted ( for the probation of the faithfull, and perdition oftheunfaith- full ) to worke wonderous workes, which are called lying wonders, z Thej. 2.9. both becaufe they be many of them but jugling trickes, packed by the cunning of Fryers, and for that they tend (fuppofe they thould be done) to deceive men , to eftablifh their lyes, fuperflitions, and heretics of Popery alto, becaufe oftentimes they are done or do proceed front Satan the father of lies. Whereas , all true miracles (as our Text teacheth) for their end doe ferve to confirme the truth of the Gofpell : and for their beginning,they alwayes be wrought by the mighty Spirit of God, whu alone can alter the course of nature and do wondrous things. Satan and his imps doe Tome things to be wondred at of Each as cannot