Vert. 18,19. the E piffle cannot perceive the caufes ofthofe t which impoflures cunningly hide. But if that miracles were neceffary, we are not utterly deftitute. The orange prefervation of Luther, and Queen Elazabeth, againft many deadly enemies, ismarvailous if not miraculous: alto the difcovering of the Gun - powder Treafon, in fo ftrange a fort. Mailer Hawk, clapping his hands thrice for joy in the fiery flame : Cranmera heart whole in the fire, his body being burnt, as it hapned to others,arenot thefe wondrous matters? T 1 M. What may we obferve from the end oftbe 19.ver. with the 20. and 21? S 1 L. It commends to us thefe few inffru&ions. Whereas Pau! had filled with the Gofpcll (that is, had brought to the faith of Ch rift by plentifull and diligent preaching the Gofpell)fo many people and provinces as were mightily ditlant one from the other, as Illyrieum, (which is thought to be that which at this day we call Slavonia) which is di- flant from Jerufalem the Metropolis of Judea, which in a right line is judged to be about 350. German miles, but was much larger fpace going by circuits, and fetching compaffes, as iris known he did. In this example of the Apoftle (I fay) carrying the word to fuch Bar- barians, and fuperftitious places, with fuch extream labour, and both manifeft and manifold dangers (whereof we read in the Aeil and zCor.1t. ) we have the Image of a faithfull Minifter , filled with love of Chrift his kingdome and mans falvation, to the reproof of fuch as with farre leffe paines, and no peril at home, may and ought to preach Chrift every Sabbath, and will not : and it giveth due encouragement to all fuch as do theLords work with fidelity and indufiry, to perfevere in their godly courfe, whereof they have Paul fuch a noble prefident and pattern. As God will look for much of them to whom he committeth much ; fo they which doe improve their Talents, and encreafe them untill theycometo be ten Talents, fuch Shall be fet over ten Cities, and enter into their Mailers joy, when the to tho Romans. pings floathfullLhalfhear, 2'á7;e him, and bind him, &c. ` Furthermore, as Paul in few words ran Over a heap of Miracles, and an infinite company of Cities, in verle 19. to let forth his infinite labour to the ex- ple of others ; fo in that he ftudied, and did even in an holy ambition (as men thrive which be greedy of worldly ho- nour) contend to fulfill the prophefies, concerning the carrying the name and Gofpell of Chrift, where it had never never been preached byany before Rini, yea where the found of Chrift never came. Herein firs} he did approve him - fell a true Apoftle,whofe office was, to call ignorât heatheuifh people to Chrift, and to conihitute Churches, which they might leave to others to build forward, as Paul did in Epbejùs and Greta, 34. Tit. 5.4i5,6. Farre unlike to that which Jefuites boafi to be done by them in India ; for neither be they commiffionated for the whole world, as the Apoftles were, neither preached they the truth of the Gofpell, but their own errors, the tra- ditions of Rome : and gathered Chur- ches not to Chrift, but to Antichrift,to increafe not Gods but Satans kingdome, making them an hundred times worfe then they were before, yea by their ex- tream cruelties making the name of Chriftodious to thofe Pagans. Secondly, in that Paul fought as well toinftru`ll fuch as were converted, as to gain to Chrift fuch as were ftrangers from him, we fee again his affe &ion to Chriis glory and kingdune; which fhould be a fpurre in the fides of all Chriftstrue Miniftersto quicken them to all care and labour for the enlarging ofChrifts flock, and getting to them- (-elves teftimony of their calling from God, by the zeal of their hearts, and fruits of their indevour;as Paul had from the accomplifhment of propheticall Oracles, whereby his extraordinary A- poflolicall fun&ion was warranted to himfelf and the Churches of Chrift. 131 DIA.