616 An Expofition upon Chap. i their extream¡poverty abounded to their rich liberality,being willing,even above their power ; fo as the Romans being better able,and alike ingaged, (the Got pelf alto coming to them from Sion) it behooved them at leaf} to be as franck as the Chriftians of Macedonia were :offuch a matter Paul very artificially and wifely doth here advertife them, when he com- mends this duty in others,hedoth excite them unto it. T r r,t.7he verfes 28,29. are yet behinde, mill not ibis fountain aljo fend out fome'weer ffrean.? S r L. Yes, as namely, firll that aimes or workes ofmercy be likened to [ fouit] for they are the fiuites of the Spirit, Gel. 5. they fpring from faith and charity ; alto they dp pleafe God, as plealant fruit doth our palate.Third- ly,afruit, becaufe alnies was profitable both unto the giver,as witueffes of their profellion, and to the receiver, whole neceffities are relieved and bowels com- forted; yea to God himfelf, who reaped thereby the fruit and calves of mens lips. Laf}ly,commodious to others for example fake : Let all Chriftians hereby take more incouragement to abound in this fruit,which is to delightfulI to God as an odour of fweet finel 1, and fo very manifoldly bencfïciall to themfelves which are bountiful' givers, by increa- fing even their earthly ¡lore. Give and it fball be given aboundantly, good tneafure prefed down frail men give into your bofome, Luke 6.38. Becaufe rich men beleeve not this, therefore they are either illiberall and handfaft, fparing too much; or pro - digall and waf}full,ipending too much, chufing the one to fill their chefs, and the other their lulls, rather then to be fruitfull in workes of charity, publike and private. Secondly, note here Paulo fidelity, that as a treafure figucd and fitut up in a dole place, or as letters Pealed, Which others may not look in and read : fo he was careful) that this aimes might fafely come to their hands, to whom it was meant, therefore would not com- mit and turne over the care to others, but himfelfe would performe, (that is,) difcharge the truft placed in him. This itis which ismeant when he faith,[when I have Pealed this fruit.] Such as deale faffly or fraudulently inOrphans goods, oralmesgiven to the poor, or in reve- nues of Hofpitals, are condemned by this example of Paul,which calleth upon all which have truft repofed in them to declare all good faithfulnelfe : the want whereof hindereth mercy, and makes love of many to be cold, who dare not exercife liberality becaufe there is fo, little fidelity. Woe be to them by whom fuch offences cone ; repent or perifh. Finally, whereas Paul promifeth to bring with him an abundant bleng of the Gofpell, (that is, the Go (pelt which aboundantly publifheth thee, ernall and molt free grace of God in Chrif}, by whom all nations are bleffed, through faith in him) he doth herein like affe &i- orate parents, which going afar off into firange countries, do kindle in their children a longing delire of their re- turne, by large promifes offome fpeciall gift at their coming again : fo the Apof }le doth quicken the delires of the Romans after his pretence, with pro. mife of the greateft good which he could bring, inch as was able to make them partakers of all Gods ípirituall bleflings, and of bleffedneffc everlafiing. Of this he was lure [ I know it ] became he had it by revelation, All. 19. 21. After Paulo example , let Preachers much rather leek to do,then to receive good in places where they come or travaile,it being a more bleffed thing to give,then to receive, All. 20. 35. How is the fpirit of Paul differing from the fpirit of Romifb'Prelacy, whole com- ing is more pompous and chargeable, then profitable and commodious to others? Let godly Paflors alto imitate his godly wifedome, in flirring up and increafing the good will oftheir flockes towards them,delighting in their love, and provoking them to love, purpo- fing, promifing, and performing what- foever may tend to make their people truely, and for ever bleffed, though (if need be)with their labour and Joffe of Liberty