Verf. 3Z. the Egi>'eto the Romans. might not be wanting to his own pre - fervation (the care whereof nature and God have laid on every man, yea- every creature. Hereby teaching us firft, that the Gofpell hathno more fierce {enemies then ignorant zeal : witneffe the fury pra &ifed by Jews and Papifts againft the Gofpell of Chrift, and the true pro - feffors thereof.Secondly, that found and painfull Preachers,are expofed to peril- Ionsadverfaries for the words fake. For fuch as hate the Lord, hate his fervants, as Chrift told his Apofllcs : therefore Paflors have need of much Chriftian courage, and of the prayers of the flock for their defert. Thirdly, againft fuch, our own, and the Churches prayers, are to be oppofed as chiefeft refuge ; becaufe of the promife which God made them, Matto.s8.20. Pfal.5o.iS. a guard of a thoufand Souldiers, cannot make Gods children fo Cafe and lure, as one ugh or prayerof a contrite heart. For it is God only,that makes men dwell in fafety.All falvation belongs to God, and he hears their prayers that fear him, and grants their delires. Here are reproved fuch as negle& their Paflors fafety, never .com- mending it to God in their prayers, much more fuch as betray and be pro- curers; of their perill and trouble, as Alexander the Copperfmith, &c. Touching this latter requeft, though aimes be acceptable and welcome to the needy (as bread and drink to the hun- gry and thirfty) yet even fuch Jews as were become Chriflians, and had not wholly lhakenof Moles Law, had and held a great jealoufieand finifler fufpi- cion of Paul,fee Ad. 21.21. which made Paul tear the fucceffe of his fervice,how it would be taken, being brought by one not very gracious to them, yet obliged unto this office by his own promite,and the Churches impulfion, Gal. 2. ro. Learn, that Saints have frailties, poor Saints have infirmities ; for their fan&i - fication is not abfolute. Hence it is, that good offices cannot alwayes be done to them,but with force fear ofunthankful- ,619 neffe and untowardneffc in accepting, and of ill conftruEtion of friendly endea. vers:which as it did not difhearten Pau!, fo it ought not us, who are to pray to have fuch weakneffes cured and amended in the people, büt not to be withheld by them from doing ditty : but goe on to fulfill our vocation, asDavid-did in the matter of Goliah, notwithftanding his brethren did perverfely interpret his endeavour. So did Chrift in preaching and working Miracles, albeit the Jews uinifterly attributed all he did to vain - glory,and to the worke of Belzebub. In the other words following,with Paulin future events, let us learn quietly and contentedly to wait upon the will of God, becautè he rules all, and turnes all to the b:ft,verfe 3 2. by the will of God ; alto to leek refrefhing and joy in the fociety, conference, con:òlation and exhortations of the godly. For as many hot toles put together, Both` make one another burn the more, and give the greater warmth, fo conferring and mu- tual communicating of gifts kindleth zeal,encreaféth godlinefs,and confirmeth in the faith ofChrift ; therefore filch are enemies to themfèlves and others,which be enemies to godly conferences, and tinto brotherly fellowfhip. Finally, it is a great mercy both td have God pacified to us; and one of us at peace with another in the Lord. This is the only worke of God, who is very often therefore filed the God of peace. Rom. 15.5. Phil. 4.9.7hus the God of peace be withyou all, Amen.T but of having God with us (that is,) the prefence of his favour afwell as of his effence and poter is a moft bliffefull thing,the caufe of profperity, and welfare to our fouls and bodies, now and for ever : as men be miferable without it,fo molt be happy by it.Therefore in Scripture very often prayed for, and mu ch, pronrifed as the foundation of all our good.See Exod. 4.12. pop . t . 9. Judg: ó. l 6. Gen.39.2. Ali. i o. 38, etc. Ggg 3 CHAP.